DWU 9: Change Of Face

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The year: 2085. The location: the main military mining base on a small, unexplored moon drifting along just outside the Milky Way Galaxy. In charge of the operation: Captain Thomas Roberts. Roberts, along with all of his men, had just finished another long and hard day's work, and were now relaxing in the dining area with their dinner. Laughing and drinking, they jokingly recounted some of the day's highlights. "You should've seen the look on poor Richie's face. He woulda burned if I hadn't pulled his ass outta the fire." The men laughed again. Richie hid his face as he laughed along with them. Roberts turned to one of the younger men: Jeffrey. He was about the same age as Richie, they were were best friends in fact, since they were little kids. "Jeff. Could you get us some more beer?" "Yeah more beer. Get some." The men said back and forth. Jeff nodded a little sheepishly and stood up, turning to leave. "Hey Jeff." Roberts called out. He turned back to the captain. "You might need these." Roberts said, tossing the keys to the freezer to Jeff. He nodded and headed down to the bottom.

Jeff never liked the basement level of the base, where the freezer was at the end of the long hall. It also served as a shelter in case of heat flashes from nearby stars. Jeff made his way down the hall to the freezer. He unlocked it and stepped inside. He shivered a bit at the instant blast of cold air. He quickly adjusted to it, and set up the kickstand on the freezer so it wouldn't close on him. He stepped further inside, walking to the beer cabinet. He reached for a box of beers, but stopped short when he heard the familiar sliding and clicking sound of the freezer door closing. He muttered a curse under his breath and looked at the door, seeing nothing. He heard a faint gust of wind, and looked down to see his feet engulfed in green smoke. He looked up against, and saw a large, bug-like creature grinning at him. Jeff panicked, taking several cautious steps backwards. "Who do you love?" It asked him in a whispery voice. "What??" "Who do you love?" It started coming closer and closer. Jeff's panic levels gradually increased with every step it got closer; his mind went to the question. "Who do you love?" He thought to himself. His mind drifted to the memory of his wife, whom he'd celebrated his honeymoon with several months earlier, before he left to this job. The bug cackled, lunging at Jeff. He dodged it with a quick shout, scrambling to his feet clumsily. He tripped and fell into the beer rack, causing it to wobble as he hit the ground. A few bottles fell on him. One cracked open on his jaw, cutting into his neck as it shattered. Jeff stiffened in shock, and his vision grew blurry as the bug crawled onto him, cackling...


Jeff's unexpected death a few days ago was tragic, but like any mining base in the area, Roberts had to continue directing his men to work, and so they kept working. Roberts himself, was filling out some paperwork in his office when Wilson, his right hand man: a black male with short cut hair, entered his office almost frantically. "Sir!" "What is it Wilson?" "You need to come and see this." The captain stood. "See what?" "We found something." Wilson said, unsure of what he was referring to.

Wilson and Roberts entered the part of the facility where the mining actually took place. Roberts was instantly aware of what Wilson had been speaking of, and he too wasn't sure what to make of it. It was a big blue police box, the likes of which hadn't been seen in over a century. Some of his men were standing it upright. As it set on its base, a loud THUMP echoed through the room. Roberts walked to it. "What is it?" Wilson asked. "Hell if I know." Roberts replied. He eyed the black star on the left door, and ran his hand along it. The doors opened, and all the men jumped back. Out the doors emerged a large amount of black smoke and a young man. Dressed in a black T-shirt and boots, red pants and a black trench coat, he tumbled out of the police box and onto the floor. Several men hurried over and quickly helped him up. His wild and messy hair fell over the left side of his face, he looked like he'd been through hell. "He's still conscious." One of the men said. The young man groaned, half-awake. Roberts crouched a bit to be eye level with him. "What's your name boy?" He asked. The young man looked up tiredly at Roberts, then his head drooped and his body went limp. "Take him to the infirmary." Roberts ordered.

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