DWU 34: The Sirens

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Alex was glad he hadn't taken Maria and Sam with him.

He slowly sat up, a white sandy beach beneath him. He rubbed the sand out of his hair, groaning. He'd taken a hard fall, and so had Kato, who was on his forearms next to him.

"Dangit man! We fell for it! It was a trap!" Kato punched the sand.

"Yeah. I gathered." Alex said, getting up slowly. He'd landed hard on his right leg, and was limping a bit.

Kato got up too, "What about the Zygons dude?!"

"We'll have to trust Maria and Cheyenne to take care of it. Until then, we better start searching for a way outta here." Alex said.


"Alex? Kato? Do you hear me? Shoot. Their coms went dead." Maria grunted.

"What now then?" Cheyenne asked, unsure what to do.

"We keep looking. This portal obviously isn't what we were looking for." Maria said.

"How do you know that?" Sam asked, staring at the portal.

"Because I know the Doctor. He would've come back and confirmed if it was." Maria said with full confidence.

"Okay? So we're back to square one?" Cheyenne asked, glancing at Maria.

"We still have that lead with Shawn, Sam's alien ex-boyfriend." Maria said.

"I did not date an alien, for the record." Sam said quickly.

"Right. Two of you, stay at the portal. Watch for the Doctor and Kato to come back out. Two more stand outside, make sure no one comes in. The rest of you, let's start searching for this Shawn character." Cheyenne ordered.

As the men exited the room and started to spread, and Cheyenne left with them, Maria clapped a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"You and me, Sam, are gonna be our own little search party. You know Shawn better than us, so you'd be better able to say where he's headed. Any ideas?"

"So, are you and the Doctor, like, a thing?"

"Stay on subject, hun." Maria said.

"Right. Uh, well, we have a room in the back for costume changes. He could be somewhere back there." Sam tried.

"Let's get moving then." Maria said.


Alex stumbled a bit. Kato quickly caught him. Alex exhaled sharply.


"You messed your leg up badly, huh?" Kato asked.

"It ain't messed up goodly." Alex responded, pushing himself to walk again.

"That's not a word." Kato rolled his eyes, staying by his side.

Alex threw off his trench coat, starting to feel the heat of the sun on his brow. Kato ditched his white coat and wig, rolling his sleeves back.

"Nice day for a walk, huh?" Kato said sarcastically. He sighed, "We've probably walked the whole island already. Still nothin'." Kato exasperated.

Alex stopped, turning and looking past Kato, "The water looks so clean." He said, suddenly becoming fixated on it.

Alex began to stumble towards the water, his leg getting weaker with each step. He wasn't gonna be able to walk on it much longer.

He fell just before the water, and pulled himself into it.

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