DWU 4: Revisited

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Earth: 2014

Alex lifted the metal, reinforced box and set it down in front of the TARDIS doors. Dressed in simply a white T-shirt, jeans and black Converse, he had just finished making the last adjustments to the auxiliary engines. He turned the box so the side to open the bx was facing the doors. He snapped his fingers and the doors opened, as he knelt in front of the box. "Let's see..." He muttered as he opened it. He tossed back an old lamp, a flashlight, old foods, and other items like that out of the TARDIS for them to burn in the atmosphere. "Ohh...you'll do nicely." He pulled out a plain green, military style jacket. He swung it around and put it on. It fit snuggly on his back, and the cuffs only slightly overlapped his wrists. He kicked the empty box out of the door for it to burn, and closed the doors. A phone in his right pocket began to vibrate. Alex pulled it out, slid his finger across the screen, and put the phone up to his ear. "TARDIS cell line." "We need the Doctor." "Who is this?" "Katherine Lethbridge-Stewart. Head of UNIT." "Yes of course! Katherine!" Alex quickly covered his surprise. "Its been some time. How are you?" "We can do small talk later. We need you." "What for?"

Back on Earth, while Katherine was on the line, she turned towards her computer monitor with an anxious expression. "Just get here. Quickly." Kate hung up her phone and placed it in her pocket. She stared down at her computer scree, which displayed the face of a young man with blond hair. Underneath his face read WANTED in big red letters.



A figure, clothed in a long beige trench coat and blue scarf, trudged across the snow. He stopped suddenly, and kicked his foot forward. It hit against a piece of metal with a clang. A tube-like elevator shot up in front of him, and the figure stepped inside. The elevator doors closed and the elevator went down. The figure removed his hat and scarf, revealing his blond hair. He unbuttoned his trench coat as the elevator opened, revealing an office setting on the other side. As he walked down the hall, hepassed two young cadets, who made way, stood straight and saluted. "Agent K, sir!"

Agent K entered his office and set his coat down on his chair. Underneath, head on jeans, a red polo and sneakers. A woman peeked into the office. "Agent K?" The young man turned around, his green eyes glinting. "Agent D will see you now."

K made his way into Agent D's office, greeting him a little less than formerly. "Agent D! My man! What's up?" K sat at in a chair in front of the desk rested his feet on the desk. Across from him, a older man was reading a newspaper. "Shoes." K took his feet off the desk. "Glasses." K took his sunglasses off and set them down. Agent D put his newspaper down. He appeared to be in his 30's. He had a tan, and dark brown hair cut cleanly. Agent D reached down and pressed a red button on a reording device. "Please give your debrief for project Adipose." "Threat nuetralized. Minimal damage. Overall summary: success." K said in a mock robotic tone. "Congratulations on your promotion to level 6, Kato." Kato smiled. "I learned from the best." Agent D stopped the recording. "Ready for your first undercover mission as one?" "Totally psyched!" "Good." Agent D trned his computer monitor towards Kato. On the screen was a picture of the 12th Doctor.

"This is the target?" Kato asked, disappointed. "Is there a probelm with that?" Kato fixed his shirt. "No sir." "Good." "So...what's the story here?" "This man. Alias: The Doctor. No other know name. Occasionally he goes undercover as John Smith." "Not big on creativity then." "Exactly." "So what is he? Like...a superior in a rival organization?" "Yes and no. He works with UNIT , or he used to." "What happened?" "The Doctor retired back in the 80's, but they still ask him for help." "How long has he been working for them?" "Since the 60's." "Jeez. Talk about a dedicated employee." "Exactly." "Why are you telling me this?" "We nee to bring him in for questioning. Understood?" Kato nods. "How soon do I ship out?" "You have 15 minutes." "Cool beans."

Doctor Who UnbornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora