DWU 39: Battle of the Time Lords

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Alex stumbled out the other side of of the rupture, quickly getting his bearings. He found himself looking at his own fearful face.

Himself, Kato, Maria, the Doctor, and Derpy were all frozen at the moment the Dalek had exploded. Alex walked around them to Derpy and Kato, who were making way to the Alex's TARDIS just nearby.

"So even though everything's frozen right now, will the TARDIS still work?" Kato asked.

Alex shrugged, "It should."

"It should? That's all you got. No long elaborate explanation or theories?" Kato asked.

"Nah." Alex chuckled, shaking his head as he opened the door to his TARDIS. They entered.

"Ooh I love the new design! It's all futuristic. And dark. The dark colors are niiiice." Derpy complimented, looking around.

"Haha thanks. So! Order of business. We need to go back! Back to when the Master changed things around. We can't stop the Dalek War from happening, but we can stop the Master from creating that rupture device." Alex said, throwing the takeoff switch for the TARDIS.

The TARDIS engines shuddered and died out. Alex pressed his lips together, waiting quietly.

The lights in the TARDIS all came on, and the engines roared to life. The TARDIS took off, energetically flying off to where Alex had described.

The three of them held on tight to the main console as the TARDIS lurched left and right. Alex took a deep breath, tightening his grip.

This was never going to happen again.

The TARDIS stopped. Alex quickly turned and ran out the doors, and found himself in the back of a cargo ship. The others walked out.

Alex signaled for them to be quiet, and they began to sneak through the ship. He could hear footsteps off in the distance. There was a crew on this ship.

Alex snuck towards the door, but stopped short when he heard people coming in. He and the others quickly hid amongst the many cargo crates around them.

The Master entered in with a young boy, a lower member of his crew. His arm around the lad, he was laying out his plans.

He must've been captain of the ship.

"Right here in this crate is the biggest score any of ya'll kids will ever see. We develop this intact, and we're all very rich. Feel me?"

"What's in it?" The kid asked.

"That's not for you to know. All you need to know is what's in it for you. Clear?" The Master asked again, much firmer this time.

The kid didn't respond, silently pressing his lips together and wetting his lips. The Master impatiently jabbed him in the ribs, and he fell to the ground.

"Agh! My rib!" He screamed.

The Master rubbed his knuckles with the palm of his other hand, "Questioning me is bad for your health, kid. You weren't hard to get smart. You were hired to help me deliver this score.

"I suggest you think long and hard about your level of commitment, then rethink it again. Otherwise, you and I will have some big problems later on." The Master threatened, leaving him there.

Alex waited for a bit to see if anyone would come to get him and help him out. No one came out. 

Alex made his move, running and out and crouching by the lad on the floor.

"Who're you?" He asked, shuddering from the pain in his side.

"I'm a figment of your imagination," Alex answered, taking his keycard from him, "Now close your eyes and rest." Alex said, putting his hand over his eyes and laying his head down.

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