DWU 32: The Escape Realm

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Alex hurried through the long hallway, jumping onto a moving walkway. He held out a phone in front of him, moving quickly.

"Doctor, wait up!" Maria shouted behind him.

"I'm close!" Alex shouted back, picking up his pace even more. Maria groaned in annoyance.

"I made it!" Alex exclaimed, stopping suddenly. Maria caught up with him.

"3 Pokeballs, thank you very much!" Alex laughed triumphantly as he collected his reward.

"Y'know, when I said you needed a way to unwind when you weren't saving the universe, this isn't what I expected you to choose."

"This game is addictive, Maria, like you wouldn't understand. I don't even know what I'm catching, but I'm catching them all. What they need to do is make a version where you can capture them on other planets too."

"I'm sure you can suggest that to the developers 400 years from now. Can we get back to what we were doing please?" Maria reminded him urgently.

"Right! Now, this is important. Did you tell Kato which plane he had to stop on the runway?"

"Yes. Flight 459."

"Yes. Now we just need to get out there." Alex said.

Taking Maria's hand, they went down the airport, turning into the entrance to a plane. Instead of going into the plane, they turned out a door and walked down into the runway. As they approached the plane, Alex fixed his jacket.

"Was the black and white suit with the trench coat really necessary, Alex?" Maria asked.

"Of course. This is one of those sensitive extraterrestrial situations that requires me to look a little more formal for my part, and y'know...authoritative and stuff." Alex explained with a wave of his hand.

"You look like an Amish person, honey."

"Don't be ridiculous! Amish people have more hair." Alex said as they reached the plane.

Kato met them at the entrance into the plane. He nodded to them, "I explained the deal to the pilot. No one's going anywhere."

"Perfect! Thanks bud. Let's rock 'n' roll." Alex said, clapping as he walked up the steps into the plane.

He entered the plane, looking at all the people sitting in their seats. They all looked at him, confused. Alex nodded a bit, scanning all of them. He began walking down the aisle.

"Hello everyone! Please do not be alarmed. Well of course, unless you have reason to be alarmed. Then feel free.

"My name is the Doctor. I'm sure you've heard of me. If you haven't, then ask a friend and I'm sure they'll explain it the best they can.

"We're sorry about the delay. Unfortunately, I need to do a quick check of your passengers. There's reason to believe that one of you on this plane is not actually human."

The passengers all looked at each other in surprise, beginning to talk amongst themselves.

"I know, I know, it's shocking. Some poeple are freaky looking, but that doesn't make them aliens. This isn't Men In Black, people. This is real.

"Usually, this wouldn't be an issue, but there's some dangerous cargo on this plane as well, and my companions are extracting as we speak, so whoever is the owner of the illegal spaceship parts, please stand up now and I'm sure we can sort this out." Alex offered.

All the passengers were silent, unsure of how to react. Alex looked them over, and saw that no one was going to give themselves up.


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