DWU 16: A Brother's Compassion

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Alex lowered himself into the TARDIS pool. Aquila smiled, waiting for him. "Hello." He greeted. "Hello Doctor. How are you today?" "Tired." He answered, settling into the water and relaxing. "You seem to be busy a lot." "No kidding. I've been working hard to figure out that whole Energon mess, and re-backing the files that were stolen." "Do you know why they were stolen?" Alex shook his head. "Not yet. For now I can only hope that they don't fall into the wrong hands."

The TARDIS began to rumble violently, splashing the water inside the pool about. Alex climbed out of the pool, but just as quickly slipped on the smooth floor. He hit the floor hard, momentarily dazed by the impact in the shock of pain in his right shoulder. He forced himself up again and exited the pool room, shivering as he made his way to the control room. "Computer. Get me dry and some clothes." He stumbled again, making his way down the hall. A large gray box dropped down in the hallway, blocking his path. He stepped into the box, and moments later, stepped out of the other side of it. He was not only dry, but was once again wearing the same outfit that K-9 had picked out for him. Alex looked down at himself. "Not this again." The TARDIS shook again, causing Alex to stumble into the wall. He pushed himself off of it and finally reached the control room.

"K-9! What's happening here!?" Alex asked urgently. "A large occurrence of temporal displacement is happening as we speak, Master. The TARDIS has set an automatic route." Alex gripped the panel for stability. "If it's doing that it must be serious. Where is it happening?" "Earth, at a building designated Front Range High School." "Ugh, another high school." The TARDIS landed, and everything stopped shaking. "We have arrived now, Master." Alex hurried out the TARDIS doors.

The TARDIS had landed in front of the high school, in front of a large statue of a stallion. He briefly glanced up at the statue. The light from inside the TARDIS poured outwards, illuminating a man who was laying face down and sprawled out in front of the statue. Alex walked to him and stood over him. The man wore a ragged orange shirt and ripped blue jeans; no shoes. Alex tapped him lightly with his foot. "Hey." He said, snapping his fingers to close the TARDIS doors. The man pushed himself up and lifted his head to look at Alex. His hair was dark and short, and the facial hair that came down from his sideburns to his upper chin looked too clean and fresh for him to be homeless. His eyes were an unsaturated blue, looking as though his irises were turning gray. Alex's eyebrows furrowed, but he helped the man up.

"Who are you?" The man asked. Reaching into his pocket, Alex looked around. "Uh...Front Range High School? Of America." "America..." The man repeated in a mutter under his breath. Alex pulled out his screwdriver and scanned him. "What is that?" The man asked in a slight panic. "Calm down. It's just a screwdriver." Alex checked the readings. "So, you were teleported here, hmm?" "Yes.
I was banished here by Celestia."

Alex looked up. "Celestia? She banished you? Here?" The man nodded. "Why?" Was the only question Alex could muster up, though he had many more. "For the illegal practice of forbidden magic." "For being a warlock on Equestria? Interesting." "It was for a good reason!" The man defended. "Oh yes of course, there always is one. What was it?" "So that I may help my brother." "Ah, family. Is your brother here on Earth?" The man nodded. "Hmm. Alright, I'll tell you what. You're reeking of temporal displacement, which means your brother should be also, so if you agree not to do your warlock stuff on the people here, I'll help you find your brother." "I am not a warlock." "Do we have a deal?" Alex asked, holding his hand out. The man looked at it, then shook it with confused fingers. "Deal." "Great. I'm the Doctor by the way." "Dashing." The man responded.


Having walked some distance from the school, Alex used his screwdriver to track further traces of temporal displacement. "Are you sure that he's this way?" Dashing asked. "No." Alex answered simply. "I thought that you had agreed to take me to him." "I said that that I'd agree to help you FIND your brother. But, since he's been around here longer, it'll be harder to track him. Unless you have some sort of DNA sample of him." "No." "Forget that then." They entered a diner. "The trail is leading here." The screwdriver began to whir louder.

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