DWU 14: Lady of the Lake; The Black Knight

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Two young girls, both of seven or eight years, ran hand in hand down to a lake by a hill. They laughed and giggled, pigtails bouncing and rhythm with their merry skipping. They crouched by the edge of the body of water, whistling a customary song for young girls of the Christianic faith to know in this time period. The water began to ripple, and from it rose a face and upper body, that in the likeness of a young woman in the prime of her life, but composed exclusively of water. Her figure was mainly under the surface, but the visual likeness of a long sleeveless dress covered her body. The girls giggled and waves. "Hello Grace. Hello Faith." The water creature said. Her voice was soft, smooth, and charming. "Hello!" The girls chimed in chorus. The creature splashed at them playfully, and the girls shrieked. The creature laughed, and so did they. Her face quickly became fearful. "Run girls. Run from here." She hid her frantic feelings of fear beneath a motherly way of instruction. The girls looked behind them, and quickly scattered. The creature disappeared under the surface, almost getting hit by a flaming sword. From under the surface, the creature looked up with beady, sea green eyes filled with fear and hopelessness; she cast her gaze upwards at the tall and menacing figure of a knight in black armor...


Alex examined himself in the mirror. A solid blue collared shirt with a gray vest over it. Attached to the vest was a black hoodie, which hung behind him over the collar of his long black suit jacket, which hung down at his knees. He rolled his ankles, looking at his black boots. His black pants were tucked neatly into the boots.

"This looks too not-conspicuous, K-9." "You must wear it though, Master." "This isn't gonna work well in my favor." "You lost the chess game, Master, therefore you lost the bet." "Yeah yeah." "You set the terms, Master." "I remember." Alex said impatiently. "Is the TARDIS parked?" He asked. "Yes, Master. Scans have reported suspicious activity on Earth in this time period." "Is it alien?" "Yes. A spacecraft was located on the scanner." "Put the coordinates on my screwdriver. My backup, since my ACTUAL one STILL isn't done yet." "The upgrades have not finished installing." Alex rolled his eyes. "Get it done." K-9 quickly rolled out of the room. After examining himself for a little while longer, Alex followed. He took his screwdriver from the console. "I'll use my key if I need you. Keep the TARDIS in orbit otherwise." "Understood, Master." Alex exited.

As he walked across the rolling hills, the TARDIS disappeared behind him. Alex looked around, and could see a castle in the distance. "Medieval period. I hate you, K-9." He sighed, turning back and continuing his stroll. Reaching the top of the hill, he saw the remains of a crashed ship, and a young boy leading a cow right past it. Alex raised an eyebrow at this. He quickly walked down the hill to meet the boy.

"Excuse me." Alex called out, hands in his pockets as he approached the boy. The boy stopped, and answered with: "Yes, sir?" "What year is this?" "What?" "The year, boy. What is it?" "I don't know, sir." "Where's your father?" "He's ill, and resting." "Is he the one who told you not to look at that?" Alex asked, nodding to the spaceship. The boy didn't answer. "Did he also say not to speak of it?" The boy nodded wordlessly. Alex walked to the ship, and laid his hand on it. "Sir, that wouldn't be wise." The boy warned. "Maybe." Alex said. He took his screwdriver out and scanned the ship. "Pretty basic metal for a ship. Early model too." Alex's eyes went from the top of the ship to the bottom.

"Boy." "Yes, sir?" "Why are their ripped out pieces missing from the metal walls?" Alex asked, adjusting to the boy's speech pattern. "The blacksmiths of the land come and chop them off." "For weapons and armor, I presume?" "Yes sir." Alex nodded. "Well, at least they stuck to the outer shell. Who knows what would've been altered otherwise." Alex said to himself. "Which way is town?" The boy answered Alex's question by pointing to the castle.


Alex, after having K-9 pick up the ship's remains, took a stroll through town, his hands in his pockets. He looked around for a place where he could get information. He entered through the door into a blacksmith's parlor, where a boy in his early teens was polishing a sword with a cloth. "Greetings." Alex said. The boy nodded politely. "Your name?" "Daniel, sir. How may I serve you?" "Where is your master?" "My lord is busy forging a fine broadsword. Perhaps I could be of help?" "I've come here having heard rumors of a new metal from the stars making it's way around. What would you know about that?" The boy paused briefly before chuckling. "I'm afraid, sir, someone has been whispering wild fantasies in your ear." "Really?" Alex pointed his screwdriver at the sword Daniel was polishing. It began to vibrate in his hands, and he dropped it on the table with a loud CLANG! "What's that sword made of then?" Alex questioned.

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