DWU 26: A Needle In The World's Haystack (Part One)

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10 pm rolled around. A girl, just around 16, pulled he hair back behind her shoulders as she went upstairs to her room. "Goodnight peoples." She said to her family. Her brother of 14 was on the computer playing games. Her father and mother sat in the living room, watching TV. "Goodnight, Bailey. Love you." Her parents called to her.

She entered her mess room, kicking aside some jeans and a shirt that she'd dropped on the floor. She sighed, turning the lights off in her room and hopping onto her bed. She pulled out her smart phone and began answering texts and going through Instagram pictures.


Bailey lifted her head, pulling her glasses down to the bridge of her nose. She used the flashlight in her phone to look around her small room. Everything looked just the same. "Weird." She said aloud, going back to her phone. She chuckled at a funny post.


She lifted her head again. She could've sworn she'd heard her clothes being brushed aside, along her carpet floor. "Aden? Is that you?" She called out to her brother. The only response she received was the faint sounds of the wind howling outside. "Aden, this isn't fu-"


Bailey screamed. An ugly, indescribable monster roared in her face. She jumped back, hitting her head against the back wall. She hissed in pain, but she was too frightened to do anything else. She clumsily grabbed the walls for something to defend herself with. She found nothing.

Bailey listened in horror to the sounds of the creature and the sickening thuds of impacts against flesh from unknown source. With no light on in the room, Bailey could only see the light of her phone, which was now on the floor on the other side of the room. She panted in anxiety. The creature started to whimper...

...it was met with several more rapid blows in response. One last blow rang out: a sickening CRUNCH!

All fell silent...

Slowly, a light revealed itself: a red light. It was small, seemingly floating in midair. Bailey held her breath and stared at it. It seemed to be staring right back at her. In her head, she was praying intensely, and hoping that this was all just a nightmare. The light turned away. She heard footsteps in her room. Two feet appeared in front of her bedroom door.

She gasped as the light turned on.

Standing at her door was a young man with spiked black hair and brown eyes. He wore a black shirt, a black sleeve and glove that ran all the way up and down his left arm, black jeans tucked into motorcycle boots, and a blue vest with a popped collar. At his feet laid...something.

He stepped over the creature, closer to Bailey. "Let me see your left arm." He said. "Hold up. What the heck is that? And who the heck are you?" Bailey questioned, still afraid but mustering up courage. He raised an eyebrow at her attitude. "I'm the Doctor, and that is a thing. Now let me see your left arm."

"Wait...you're the Doctor?" She asked blankly as Alex grabbed her left wrist, making her hold her left arm out. "You're bleeding." Alex said, grabbing a patch from his back pocket. "Oh my gosh. You're the Doctor. I-I'm a huge fan! I follow the stories about you on the Internet. You-you travel through time and space?!"

Alex finished patching up her arm. "There." He got up from her bed, picking up Bailey's phone and looking through it. "You don't look anything like your picture, the one online You don't have the eyes or the combed hair or the chin. I liked that Doctor the best. You sure you're the Doctor?" Bailey asked doubtfully. "Shut up." "Rude."

Alex tossed Bailey's phone back to her. "Nothing useful on here. What's your name?" Alex asked her. Bailey got out of bed. "I'm Bailey, Doc. Can I call you Doc?" "Do you know what that was, or why it was after you?" Alex asked, ignoring Bailey's irrelevant question.

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