*A Quick Foreword*

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Whether you're reading this before or after A New Doctor, I just want to say thank you SO MUCH for reading! Alright so a few things. Firstly, I'm incredibly happy that this story is finally out there and I can't wait to see how it does. Me and my best friend Kaiden (mentioned in the story description) have worked on this story for two long years, and its finally ready to start being released bit by bit. A special thanks to Jasmine Posey for helping me get my Wattpad account ready to go and getting people to find their way here. You're awesome! Thanks to my Mom for all the love and support she's given me during the long writing period. This wouldn't be happening without her. A special thanks to my best friend Kaiden, for enduring with me and putting in just as much time, love, care and effort into this story as I did. Also, check out some Youtube channels when you're done reading! Firstly mine: Alex13Creation. Secondly, Kaiden's: Yonkaman. Finally, a friend who I'm writing stories with now that you'll be able to read in the future. My buddy John. His channel's name is TheMLPStuff. Thank you all!

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