DWU 10: The SCAR Files

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The engines of the TARDIS ran steadily. The ship was in orbit around Earth, and Alex, the ship's pilot, was casually sitting in his chair messing with a Rubik's cube. Quickly solving it, he threw it behind him with quick disregard. K-9 slid to him. "Are you bored, Master?" "Incredibly." Alex answered, then quickly added: "How many times have I asked you not to call me that?" "Master, might I suggest a cold case?" "A cold case?" "Yes, Master, a cold case?" Alex quickly got up to his feet. "Might as well." "I'll lead the way, Master." "I swear, if you call me that one more time, I'll dismantle you." "Understood, Master."

Alex began going through the cold case files: incidents that any number of his past lives had investigated and had either reached inconclusive observations or they were deemed to dangerous to try. "Find anything?" K-9 asked Alex. "Uhh hang on. Let's see...Fazbear...Rainboom...SCAR?" Alex pulled out a blue file labeled SCAR on it with his thumb and forefinger. Opening it, the first thing that caught his eye was a picure of a man: easily in his early 20's with some facial hair. Tanned skin, blue eyes an neatly cut black hair. Alex sat down, and hurriedly read the files. Reaching the back cover, he quickly stood up and ran to the controls. "Master? Is everything alright?" "I need to see this for myself." Alex said quickly. Flipping the manual takeoff switch, the TARDIS began its takeoff. Alex punched in the desired time.

Alex looked out the window. Outside, he could see had landed within a large bunker of soldiers, all of which were looking at the TARDIS in surprise. Meanwhile, the head of them all: John, was in his office cleaning his pistol. His radio went off. "Sir! We've got some kinda blue box here. Your orders?" Thinking nothing about it, John rolled his eyes. "I'll be down there in a bit. Don't cry."


John laid his blue eyes on the TARDIS, and immediately they widened in delighted surprise. "Well, what do you know? Soldiers dismissed. I got this." Once his men were gone, John approached the TARDIS, examined it, and finally decided to knock on the door. "One second!" A Northern accent shouted from the doors. John took a step back. "Doctor? Is that you?!" "Do me a favor, John not Smith..." The voice called from behind the door. "Please take, uh...three steps away from the TARDIS." "Fine. Don't do anything stupid. It'll get you killed around here." Taking the requested three steps back from the TARDIS, it's doors opened. A tall man stepped out and let his hands hide in his long brown trench coat. His eyes cast on John.

"Well, welcome old friend. How's it been? After the war and all that?" Nodding his head, the old and gone Doctor answered. "Mr. John. It certainly has been quite some time." "Yes it has! A long time!" John said excitedly. This caught the Doctor off guard. "Woah woah woah. You're excited. What's wrong?" "Can't I be excited?! What's wrong is where the hell have you been all this time?!" "Well, you know. Saving people and aliens. Timey wimey stuff." John chuckled, slightly upset on having missed out on those unnamed adventures. "Sounds like you've been having fun... Why don't we go to my office?" John started down the hall a bit, but the Doctor did not move. John turned back and, seeing the Doctor's solemn expression, reassured him. "Come on already. No one is going to shoot you unless I order them to." The Doctor cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry, John. I'm afraid I deceived you, to a certain extent. I wasn't sure if you'd be hostile or not." "Deceived? I still want to shoot a bullet through that smart brain of yours." John joked, quickly adding in: "Nothing to worry about." Nodding, the Doctor's appearance began to flicker, revealing he was merely a hologram, and disappeared. John drew his pistol defensively, pointing it at the TARDIS. "Now what?! What's with the whole switching face?! Wait...are you...?" The doors opened again, and this time, it was Alex who stepped out.

Dressed in jeans, red sneakers, a black T-shirt and black hoodie under his gray blazer, he didn't exactly scream 'Doctor' to John. However, Alex snapped his fingers, and the doors closed behind him. "Who the heck are you? Answer me! Where's the Doctor?!" He questioned, all in a rush. Alex casually stuck his hands in his jeans pockets. "Put the gun down John." John lowered his weapon, but did not holster it, but instead, grasped it tightly. "Why shouldn't I kill you now? You're not the Doctor!" Alex let out a chuckle, but his eyes showed no humor, they were melancholy. Skipping around his statement, Alex simply said "Those bullets would never get past the TARDIS shields. You know that." "Is that it then? You came here to do WHAT then? Stand around?" John questioned again, finally holstering his pistol. "Of course not. I came to see what's going on here."

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