DWU 24: The Lion of Ramsey Park

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The door to the little girl's room opened. Her father, Samuel Stephenson, peeked inside. Her closet door was closed, her toys put away, her bedsheets neatly tucked. The girl herself sat atop her bed in her pink fairy pajamas. The window blinds of the flat were open, and she was staring out the window in her room.

"Layla. What're you doing still up?" Samuel asked softly, entering the room and sitting by his daughter. "I wanted to see the kitty cat, Daddy." She answered. "Sweetheart, it's way past your bedtime." Samuel pointed out. "But the kitty only comes out at night. I wanted to see it so I could show you and Mommy, but the police scared it away." Layla explained.

"Police cars?" Samuel asked. Layla nodded. Samuel looked out the window. Indeed, there were police cars on the grass with their lights on. "Go with Mommy, Layla." Samuel said, leading his daughter out of her room. She went to her parent's bedroom, and Samuel out the front door of his second story flat.

Looking down from the second story balcony of the complex, he saw several police officers in the park below, walking around. Samuel also saw two bodies on the ground, one of which looked to be wearing a police uniform.


Layla Stephenson Sr., Samuel's wife and little Layla's Mommy, prepared breakfast for her family. Samuel was on his phone, explaining to his boss why the police weren't allowing him to leave his home to go to work. Their daughter sat at the dining table, drawing with colored pencils.

There was a knock at the door. "That must be the investigators. I have to go now. Bye." Samuel hung up the call with his boss. "Layla, some policemen are gonna come in and ask us some questions. Behave, okay?" "Okay, Daddy." Layla nodded. Mrs. Stephenson chuckled a bit. Samuel opened the door.

On the other side stood Alex, with a wide polite grin on his face. He had on a black shirt, dark blue jeans, boots, and a black blazer with a back that went down to his knees and an attached hoodie.

Alex held up his psychic paper. "Hello there. I'm the Doctor." He held out his hand. Samuel shook it. "Hi, uh, Samuel Stephenson. There's Mrs. Stephenson, and our daughter, Layla." Samuel introduced, thrown off by how young Alex looked and his un-police like apparel. Alex waved to Samuel's wife and child. "Nice meeting ya'll. Do you mind if I come in?" "No, of course not." Samuel stepped aside, and Alex walked.

"Oh, this is a lovely little place you got here." Alex complimented. "Thank you, Doctor. Would you like anything? Coffee? Orange juice?" Mrs. Stephenson offered. "Ah no thanks. I already 've eaten and drank plenty. Have a seat, Mr. Stephenson." Alex and Samuel sat on the couch. Alex got comfortable.

"So, Mr. Stephenson, because I have to ask, tell me where you were between the hours of 8 pm and midnight last night?" "I was here with the wife and Layla. I get home around 6:30 to 7 every evening; I work in construction. Mrs. Stephenson works from home, so she gets Layla from school. We hardly ever leave the flat after I get home. We certainly didn't last night. We just ate, watched TV, and slept."

Alex nodded. "And you didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary?" Samuel shook his head. "Daddy? I need more colored pencils." Layla said softly from the kitchen table. Samuel excused himself and went to his daughter. "They're in your room on your desk honey. Why don't you go finish up your drawing in there?" Layla nodded and went to her room. Samuel sat back down.

Alex glanced towards Layla's room, then readjusted how he was sitting. Mr. Stephenson, do you know why I'm here?" Alex asked. Samuel shrugged. "To collect statements? See whose questionable? Who you should be looking into?" Samuel guessed. "Smart, but no. You see, I'm here because first responders at the scene last night saw you out on the balcony last night. Now you say you didn't hear nor see anything strange. So, how did you notice those police cars?" Alex asked.

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