DWU 28: Master Hunt

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That was his name. He was an older man with a head full of gray hair. He was dressed with an old red collared shirt, a black tie, a gray vest and matching gray slacks. They were nice clothes, hard to come by. He sat at his desk; the building used to be a movie theatre. He housed refugees inside the building. In exchange for goods, he gave people shelter.

But the man standing on the other side of his desk wasn't looking for shelter. He wanted information.

The man wore long clothes: a black trench coat that went down to his ankles, a dark green hoodie and a black shirt, with a long black scarf around his mouth and neck, torn up black jeans tucked into his motorcycle boots. JD eyed the man's spiked black hair. It was quirky, unique. He looked into the man's brown eyes. He was young.

Without a word, the man slowly reached into his trench coat pocket. JD stayed cautious, gripping his gun under the table. The man pulled out a package of soap boxes loosely wrapped in plastics. "Will this suffice?" He asked, dropping it on the table. JD was in awe. He'd never seen so much soap since the storms...

The Storms
That's what they called their 'apocalypse'. The year was 3678. Humans had scattered around the universe, including the forest filled planet of Lentra. It was nice for a time, until sulfuric storms caused by the planet's volcanoes buried the planet in a blanket of ash clouds, burned the forests down, and rendered all of their ships useless...

"Where'd you get all this?" JD asked the man, pulling the soaps underneath his desk. "Doesn't matter. It's legit. Will it suffice?" The man asked again, getting right back on point. JD nodded. "Yes. It will." "Good." The man said, removing the scarf from his mouth. "Now, tell me about a former refugee on your roster: the Master." Alex said.

JD slowly nodded and cleared his throat. "Ah. Him. He was... He came in a few days ago. Payed for his stay in books. People were complaining the first night he stayed, saying he was talking to himself in loud voices. We showed him the way out. Very next night, our safe was broken into, and all of out Mentats were stolen." JD finished.

"Do you know where he is now?" "If I did, he wouldn't be around for you to come lookin for him." JD answered. "Thanks." He put his scarf back over his mouth and started to leave. "You're not staying?" JD asked. He kept walking. "I got shelter. Thanks." He said, disappearing downstairs and out the door.

Alex walked out of the theatre and into the city streets. Raggedy men and women and children went back and forth, wearily watching their surroundings on all sides. A little girl bumped past Alex. "Sorry mister." She said quickly, hurrying on. Alex quickly grabbed the girl by her hair and pulled her back. "Oww!!!" "Give it back, brat." Alex ordered.

The girl handed his sonic screwdriver back to him.

Alex walked to the West edge of the city, meeting up with his partner: John. John wore beige cargo pants, blue Converse sneakers, a white shirt under a faded orange sweater, and a gray zip-up hoodie. His normally gelled down black hair was a mess, and he'd skipped shaving in order to appear more scraggly.

"What'd you find out, Alex the Doctor?" John asked, stretching out Alex's name and title in a teasing manner. Alex tightened his scarf around his mouth. "He's been here. He's been stocking up on Mentats. Robbed a number of stores and refuge spots of their whole supply. Are you familiar with those pills?" Alex asked. John nodded quickly. "Oh yeah, bubblegum is the best flavor."

"What're they used for?" Alex asked. "They're 'happy pills' basically. Pop one in your mouth, and you're cool and calm and collected. I take 'em too, for reasons." John said simply. "Gotcha. Well, the Master's gone manic since our last fight. I need him as off his game as possible, so we need to find where he's going."

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