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Hyunjin: H-hyung...

Changbin: Yeah? What happened?

I show him the ring and he looks at me with wide eyes.

Changbin: Th-this is the ring you proposed to Seungmin with!

Hyunjin: Yeah...

Changbin: That means... Seungmin is here! On this island!

Hyunjin: Yeah...

Changbin: This means there's a big chance he's alive!

Hyunjin: Yeah...

Changbin: Ahh, what are you still doing here? Go search for him! I'll go tell PD-nim, then I'll come to help you.

Hyunjin: Yeah!

I turn around and run in direction of...



I ran in the direction of nowhere.

And now I'm lost, tired, and hungry.

Nonetheless, I continue to shout my baby's name.

Hyunjin: Seungmin-ah! Are you here?!

I take a deep breath and scream louder.

Hyunjin: Baby! WHERE ARE YOU!

Suddenly, I hear some rustling in the bushes.

I stand up to take a closer look and a man who looks like he's in his late twenties steps out.

?: Hey boy, what are you doing? How did you get here?

Ignoring his questions, I immediately ask him about Seungmin.

Hyunjin: Hello sir, have you seen a boy named Seungmin? He has brown hair and-

?: Wait, did you say Seungmin?

Hyunjin: Yes, sir! Do you know him? Please tell me where he is!

?: Hold up, who are you and why should I tell you where Seungmin is?

Hyunjin: So you know where he is.

?: I do, but I won't tell you unless you give me a good reason.

Hyunjin: O-ok, my name is Hwang Hyunjin. I'm Seungmin's fiance, but he d-disappeared a while ago. I found his ring here, so I thought-

?: You're Hwang Hyunjin?

Hyunjin: Y-yes, sir...

The man looks at me for a while, then sticks his hand out.

?: You said you found his ring, show it to me.

I nod and quickly pull the ring out of my pocket, placing it on his palm.

He inspects for a second, then looks back at me.

?: You really are Hyunjin! Follow me, I show you where Seungmin is!

He turns around and starts walking, so I follow him.

After a while, we reach a small but nice-looking house.

?: Come inside, Seungmin should be in here. By the way, my name is Taehyung. I live here with my husband, Jungkook.

Hyunjin: That's really nice, it looks so peaceful here.

He smiles and we both walk inside, but I immediately freeze when I see who's sitting on the couch.

Seungmin: Taehyung, can you- ...H-hyunjin?

𝗜𝗗𝗢𝗟❜𝗦 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗦𝗘 | 𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘫𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now