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Changbin: Bro, I'm exhausted.

Hyunjin: Same. My legs are killing me.

We collapse onto our beds as we step into our dorm.

I close my eyes, groaning at the pain of my aching legs.

Suddenly, alarms go off in the hallway outside our room.

My eyes shoot open and I quickly get up.

I look beside me and see Changbin, probably just as confused as I am.

Changbin: What's going on?

I shrug and get off the bed, quickly slipping on some shoes.

I open the door and rush outside to see what's happening.

Changbin: What the fuck?

I hear Changbin yell as he catches up to me.

Police are surrounding some girl while she keeps trying to push them away.

Her eyes land on me and she starts squealing.

Girl: Hyunjin oppa! I came here for you!

I roll my eyes as I realize what's happening.

One of the police officers walks to me.

Officer: It's another one of your crazy fans. Don't worry, we got this under control. It won't happen again.

Changbin: That's what you say every time.

I hear Changbin mutter under his breath.

As soon as the officer turns his back I start walking to the stairs.

Changbin: Where are you going, bro?

Hyunjin: On a walk. I'm so tired of this shit happening every day.

Changbin: Wait for me, I'll go get our masks.

I lean against the wall as I wait for Changbin to come back.

He comes back with our masks and I take mine.

I put it on and follow Changbin down the stairs.

Changbin: I don't why but, I have a feeling something special will happen tonight.

I hum in response, not thinking too much about his words.

If only I did.

𝗜𝗗𝗢𝗟❜𝗦 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗦𝗘 | 𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘫𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now