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Interviewer: There's been a lot of scandals going around about the two of you, so I hope we can clear all of those out today!

Hyunjin: Yeah, quite a few rumors have spread during our absence.

Interviewer: Since we're on the topic of your absence, can you give us some details?

Changbin: Yes, actually it's a very interesting story, but a little unrealistic. So we have some videos to play if you let us.

The staff starts setting up the projector while we discuss what's actually happening.

Hyunjin: Changbin! What videos are you talking about?

Changbin: Vidoe footage from both nights, and some extra powders Jisung took from the lady's house.

Hyunjin: We're telling them about the lady?

Changbin: Obviously! The world needs to know about it. People like her who use magic to harm others need to be punished!

Hyunjin: But this is so risky! What if people say the videos are fake?

Changbin: You see that lady with the mask sitting in the corner with the other fans? That's the lady that cursed us. If we need proof, we can have the guards check her, surely they'll find some kind of magic on her.

Hyunjin: Fine... but if this doesn't work out, you're putting everyone at risk.

Changbin: I know...

Interviewer: So do you guys wanna give us some context about the videos or...?

Hyunjin: Yeah, this is video footage from the night we "disappeared."

The staff plays the video and I must say, it's really good quality footage. You can clearly see everyone's faces and hear the audio.

Next, the video of Seungmin and Felix finding us plays.

Then, the video of the powder spilling me and turning me back to human plays.

Then, Changbin takes out some powders and places them on the table in front of us.

Changbin: These are only a few of the curses she has, you can take them to a lab if needed.

Interviewer: So you guys have been cursed to turn into puppies? And turning back to normal was what kept you busy all these days?

Hyunjin: Yes, and the lady that cursed us is actually in this room with us right now.

I point to the lady and signal the guards to bring her up.

Hyunjin: This is the one that did all of this. Do you have any words to say?

Lady: Uh- this is fake! They're lying!

Changbin: Guards, please check her.

The female guards check her and place some powders and potions on the table in front of us.

Interviewer: Wow... I'm speechless. Definitely didn't expect this!

We laugh for a while, the interviewer's comment really lightened up the tense mood.

Interviewer: So you guys must have something to say about this.

Changbin: Um, this was quite an experience, first of all. But I definitely wouldn't trade it for anything.

Interviewer: Oh, is there a specific reason?

Changbin: I got to meet the love of my life!

The interviewer and audience start cheering while Changbin smiles widely.

Interviewer: Hyunjin, any words?

Hyunjin: Yeah, um, I also met my other half. It was the best experience of my life, and now... We're engaged!

Interviewer: Wow! Screw the whole dating process, right?!

Hyunjin: Haha, yeah! I can't wait that long to marry him.

I look at the audience, and the fans seem to be really supportive, even after I said "him".

I love my fans, but I love Seungmin more!

𝗜𝗗𝗢𝗟❜𝗦 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗦𝗘 | 𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘫𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now