Chapter 27

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I'm so proud of you Lou, you deserve nothing but the world and everything good that comes your way xx


"Get on the bus boys, you've got about four hours to Manchester." Paul herds us up onto the tour bus. Niall, Zayn and Liam walk ahead of a very clingy Harry and I. My arms are wrapped around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist as I squish my cheek onto his. He starts galloping towards the bus from the hotel's back entrance and my giggles raise a pitch as I hold onto him for dear life. 

Paul just watches us with amusement as we jump to a stop in front of him. Neither of us say anything as Paul raises an eyebrow. "Do you need help getting on the bus?" He asks with a small chuckle. 

Harry and I both giggle as I tuck my face into his neck. Harry's eyes dart around before he inches closer to Paul. "We're engaged." He squeals softly and I bite my bottom lip trying to hid the amount of fond washing over my features as Harry blushes under Paul's happy gaze.

"Really?" We don't even have time to answer before he's crowded us into his big security man arms. I place one hand from Harry's shoulder onto Paul's. He steps back after a few moments with a large smile and misty eyes. 

"I always knew you two were endgame. I could see the love in you eyes all the time, and I was confident you wouldn't let Modest end you when you were literally born for each other. I love you guys and I'm so proud." 

I jump down from Harry's back, diving back into Paul's arms, quickly embracing the feeling of Harry hugging too from behind me. "Thank you for always believing in us." I whisper before pulling back. "One Direction wouldn't of been the same without you Paul." Harry beams.

Paul smiles and takes a deep breath before shooing us onto the bus, supportive pats on our backs as we walk by. 

Entering the bus, Niall is already eating while Zayn and Liam drift on and off to sleep from opposite sides of the couch. I roll my eyes, it's not that early. I shouldn't be one to judge, I'm always the worst in the mornings, but something about the past couple of days makes me happier when I open my eyes, knowing I get to spend the entire day with my man. My fiancé

Harry plops onto the other couch, quickly pulling me on top of him, and I giggle as I wiggle around in his lap, leaning back with a content smile on my face. Paul follows us onto the bus for a moment, giving us a debrief of what's scheduled when we get to Manchester.

"Alright boys, you have a show tonight at eight. You'll be at the arena around seven, alright?" He looks at the five of us as Niall walks over, slapping Zayn and Liam's head as he plops down between them. 

"We'll arrive around ten today, and you actually have a free day. Go out, shop or whatever, but always have guards with you at all times, understand?" He raises his brows. We all nod and he returns the nod with a smile. "Great, we'll be off now. Later lads." He calls out as he exits the bus so only the five of us remain. 

Harry and I don't even acknowledge the other three boys waiting on an answer from us as we watch each other, noses barely touching, hot breath fanning against the other, eyes filled with love. 

"Oi, listen to us twats," Niall insults as he yells over to us. Our attention breaks from each other and my eyes briefly flit over to Niall before returning upon my beautiful husband-to-be, watching as he watches Niall while his thumbs lightly trace shapes onto the sides of my hips.

"We asked if we all wanted to hand out this afternoon? Go around shopping?" He suggests. I shrug, not really caring what we do while Harry smiles brightly and nods. "Yes, I wanted to get some new outfits, I'm sick of what I've been wearing." He sticks out his tongue as if he's exhausted by the piles of clothes he has stuffed into a suitcase.

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