Chapter 10

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Niall: The cutest white bread potato

Don't forget to

"Get up! Get up! You guys have loads of work to do today!" I hear coming from outside of our bunks. I groan. I do not want to get up, I'm still partly floating from kissing Harry twice yesterday. I don't regret it, and it's kind of helping me decide better about how to deal with everything. 

I pull back the curtain a tad and see Paul standing, trying to wake up Harry. I smirk as Harry unintentionally slaps Paul's face. Paul recoils and Harry starts apologizing, claiming it was his reflexes. He's not lying, I've woken him up plenty of times and his arm shoots out, accidentally hitting my face. It never hurts me but Harry would always apologize profusely and kiss my face all over for five whole minutes. I laugh as Paul moves on to Zayn's bunk and Harry catches my eye. I only keep eye contact for a second before quickly looking away again. 

As I get up I ask Paul what was planned for today. "Meeting with Simon," Great. "You guys been writing since the break at all?" He asks. We all nod as we yawn. "Great, bring some of your stuff. We are going to start for the new album." I panic a little. I don't have many songs written, and some of the ones I do have, are obviously about Harry. I pick at my nails as Paul tells us where to go when and we say goodbye as he leaves. The five of us sit around the bunks until Liam stands. 

"Alright, get dressed, get your songs, let's do this." He says encouragingly. I'm nervous, but I can't help but be excited. I've been curious as to what the others have written and I'm nervous to show them mine. 

We all quickly dress, and eat, then we pile in one car, on our way to Modest! Management's building located nearby. We climb the stairs in silence, and quickly reach the door, opening into a large conference room. At the end sits Simon talking to two workers, Tessie and Ray. We all take a seat on the opposite side where there's not much space between us and Simon. 

After a few minutes Simon finally turns his attention to us, clapping his hands together. I startle in my seat and someone lightly pats my back then pulls their arm away. I look to my left and see Harry sitting there. I don't know how I didn't notice when he sat there, but I do notice the look Simon sends in our direction. 

"As you know, we are going to be having a fifth album come out this year. We will have thirteen songs, and four singles. Three of you will have three songs chosen from you, while two of you will have two songs chosen. I'm trusting you have improved in your writing and we'll make any editing we'd like." I roll my eyes, they probably would take a song and change every word. 

"Alright, we don't need all now, but does anyone have one they'd like to share first? Guitar is over there." He points to a corner where a clean crisp acoustic guitar is perched, waiting to be played. No one moves for a moment until Niall sheepishly speaks up. "Um, I have one." Simon nods for him to sing it. 

Niall grabs a guitar and starts to sing. 

'Barefoot and a bottle of wine
You can stay with me tonight
You don't have to change when I'm around you
So go ahead and say what's on your mind
On your mind' 

'When you're with me, no judgement
You can get that from anyone else
You don't have to prove nothing
You can just be yourself'

I listen intently to Niall's song. I love it. I remember the day I barged into the writing room, he was writing a song called No Judgement. I guess that's the one. When Niall finishes the song, Simon smiles. "Love it Niall. We'll put it on the list for now." He says. I'm impressed that Simon isn't being snappy or rude right now. 

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