Chapter 11

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Don't forget to

"Louis, get up. We have to be on the bus in an hour." Someone is shaking me awake. I groan and roll over onto my other side, completely ignoring them. "Louis." they try again. I don't move, extremely comfortable in my spot. "Are you going to make me do this the hard way?" They ask. I only groan in response, and suddenly feel fingertips tickling lightly over my sides. I instantly squeal and jump up, accidentally rolling off the bed. "Ow."

"Crap, Lou. You okay?" I look up with my head lightly throbbing to see Harry looking down at me uncertainly. My eyes widen as I remember everything from last night. I can feel my face redden quickly as I scratch the back of my neck. "I'm fine, I'll go to my room and get ready." I try and excuse myself from this embarrassing situation. Harry shakes his head. "No need, I got you stuff from your room a bit ago. You left you key card on the desk." He points over to my stuff that's spread onto the floor by the desk. I nod and play with my fingers as we sit in silence. Eventually I stand, dusting myself off and point to the bathroom. 

"Can I take a quick shower?" I ask him. He nods. "Yea, I already took one, then we'll go to the bus." He tells me. I nod, making my way to the bathroom hurriedly, and take one of the quickest showers I've ever taken. 

Stepping out of the bathroom, I keep the clothes Harry gave me last night on. They smell like him, and I'll use any excuse to keep them with me. I re-enter the room just as Harry is slinging his duffel up onto his shoulder. I silently make my way over to my things, and pick them up. Crap. I notice my songwriting journal on the floor next to my bag. I forgot I was writing in it last night, and ended up never putting it away. Hopefully Harry didn't look in it. He's better than that.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod and we make our way to the bus. 


"I'm hungryy!" Niall complains from the booth. I roll my eyes from my place across from him. I'm curled against the window, writing in my journal. Niall keeps bickering about food and I just want to throw my journal at his head. "Can we stop please!!" Niall begs Liam, who is sitting on the couch playing video games with Zayn. Harry is sitting on a beanbag, scrolling on his phone. I wonder what he's on-

Nope, don't care. I return my attention to my book and read the words I already have written. I huff at the three words on the top line. Niall's food talk is definitely not helping me. "Just some fast food, I won't even get everyt-" I hop up from my place. 

"Niall, shut up about food for once!" I groan loudly at him, causing all four boys to look at me. I ignore them as I take my journal and pen into the small room usually used for these kinds of things. Or other things..

I close the door after walking in and sit down on the large couch. I close my book, giving up for now, and lay facedown on the couch. I huff loudly to myself and close my eyes. I don't know why I feel so annoyed today. Lots of things are getting to me, and I don't like it. I just want to sleep for three days straight, but unfortunately I can't do that. While I'm wallowing in self pity, I hear the door open and close. I'm assuming it's Niall coming in to yell at me, so without looking to him, I apologize. "I'm sorry Niall, I'm just not in a good mood today. You can eat all the food you want." I tell him. 

I hear a snort, and my head immediately whips around to not see Niall standing in front of me, but instead see a long-limbed giraffe. I resist the urge to huff again as I lay unmoving in front of him. He rolls his eyes, but moves to sit beside my head anyway. I tilt my face up and watch as he just observes me. Raising an eyebrow I question him, "what?" He smiles and moves hair out of my eyes while shrugging. "Nothing." He removes his hand and I stop myself from whining for it back. 

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