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Louis knew he had no choice. He had to tell Harry. He had to tell him before they disbanded. He couldn't handle life without him.

It was a late night while Louis was sitting in his room, thinking about one of the biggest decisions he'll ever make.

He's in love with Harry. I mean, who wouldn't be? He is in love with Harry and be can't go another day with him not knowing. He decided he would so it the next time he saw Harry.

There was a knock on the door.

Too soon. Louis thought to himself.

"Come in," he called out. The for opened to reveal a very nervous looking Harry.

"Harry, are you alright Love?" Louis asks him. Harry takes a breath and plops himself beside Louis on his bed

"I have to tell you something. Promise you won't let this negatively effect us okay?" Louis nods slowly, nervous for what Harry might say.

He takes a deep breath,


Surprisingly, Louis got every word he said so he just grinned. Harry wasn't watching him so he didn't expect it when the older boys lips crashed onto his.

That was four years ago. Little did they know what would happen with the band.

Louis and Harry fought against management to let them be outed, and since the band had started their hiatus, nothing was stopping them.

Nothing besides Harry's unknown break up from Louis.

Now that it's been a year, about eighteen months, the band is planning on getting back together but not Louis and Harry will have to face the their differences, and find a way to find there way back to eachother.

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