Chapter 54

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The Jingshi was quiet when Wangji returned. Half his day was spent at the library, completing paperwork Lan Xichen left behind. Bichen was set on the table as he entered the inner chamber. A faint smile brightened his features. In his view was his partner, Wei Wuxian, and his nephew, Lan Jiang, resting peacefully on the bed.

Wangji turned the boy so he could lie down properly but after the shuffle, Lan Jiang rolled away from the spot- landing right next to Wei Ying. Wangji's worry was thrown off when Wei Ying responded to the boy's touch by putting an arm over him; his little body snuggling against the other's chest.

Wangji sat on the bed and stared at them a little longer. His hands grazed his nephew's head, then Wei Ying's face.

"Lan Zhan..."

"Mn...go back to sleep.", Wangji said softly when his spouse opened his eyes. 

"...", Wei Ying smiled and drifted off again. Wangji carried on and changed into something appropriate then lay next to them. Staring at the ceiling above him, his mind was buried in things he didn't want to imagine. For almost an hour, the Jade could not find sleep. So he turned to the side and placed his hand on Wei Ying's; sandwiching his nephew. He was not sure it would work this time, yet after playing with the other's skin for a while, sleep finally usurped.


"Where is he?", Li Qiang asked one of the disciples on guard. "He never left the room.", The person answered. Lan Xichen stepped forward, tired of the whispering and waiting for permission. "Take me to him", He said sternly. The others were careful about exposing their Master's current state to an outsider but they could not resist Lan Xichen's power for long and Li Qiang made them aware it was alright.

Xichen took a deep breath and opened the door. As he walked inside he looked left. Most of the candles were put out and the room was dark. With the flick of his fingers, the place came to life. Zewujun now had a clear view of the soft colors all around him; a few artifacts here and there, the neat painting of cherry blossoms hanging on the wall in the sitting area. The place was as warm as the person that stayed in it.

The strong stench of alcohol was first to greet him when he stepped into the bedroom. His feet met a few jars along the way as he walked to the man sitting on the floor with his back against the bedpost. 

"Did I not warn you about disturbing me!!", Sect Leader Jiang's voice vibrated in the silent room. Lan Xichen halted. His heart was bruised by the sight. Jiang Cheng's whole appearance resembled that of a mad king ready to tear anyone apart in his rage. 

"You're still here?!!... Xi, Xichen.", Jiang Wanyin yelled as he stood up to punish the disobedient disciple that entered his room but froze when he saw the Jade. Lan Xichen stood there silently, afraid, confused, and surprised. It was expected of Sect Leader Lan to be in pain: what responsible man would not break down after losing his wife. Xichen did not want to assume he knew how this person felt- he didn't. He only wished to ease the pain.

Jiang Cheng was a mixed bowl of unstable emotions and he didn't want anyone near him. Everyone around knew he was hurting but he wanted to believe they were ignorant of it. That, that was why they refused to leave him alone in his wife's room and constantly tried to get him out of there. Lan Xichen's steps were sluggish but he still got to his destination and buried Wanyin in his bosom. 

Sect Leader Jiang thought he would fight back the urge but immediately those strong arms enveloped him, his broken end surfaced and he wept bitterly, calling for his wife.


Jiang Ju's labor was a hard-fought battle. It went on for more than the estimated time. Judging by how well her first pregnancy went, the midwives believed this one would be easier. But it wasn't, the entire process exceeded twenty-four hours. The baby turned out to be macrosomic and was stuck at some point.

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