Chapter 72

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"Mother, Father...", Lan Sizhui courtesy before his parents at Wen Ning's house. The couple were set to leave.

Wei Ying, "What took you so long?"

Sizhui,"...Forgive my tardiness...I've been thinking. Can I stay in Gusu for a few more days?"

"Sure, but is there a problem? I get this feeling you're hiding something...Am I right?... I'm right huh?! Yes, Mother's instincts!", Wei Ying perked at his correct analysis.

Sizhui pursed his lips from chuckling too loud. Then his face turned serious and dull. "I proposed to Lan Jingyi days ago.", He said.

Wei Ying, "Wahhh!  Did you hear that Lan Zhan, I'm going to have a son in law."

Sizhui, "...Jingyi has not given me a clear answer."

Wei Ying, "Why? Is he not ready to settle?"

Lan Sizhui's breath jumps and his throat tightens."I think... I think he has feelings for another.", he said with a calm expression. Lan Wangji's eyes reel up with concern. 

"Is it a girl?", Was the first thing Wei Ying could ask. To him, there was no other man that could be compared to Sizhui- so it had to be a female.

Sizhui, "No...I caught them talking the other night...I know that voice, and I saw him go after Jingyi."

"Huh!... Who the hell dares to mess with my son's love life!", Wei Ying scowled, cracking his knuckles.

"...Sect Leader Jin.", the words come out strained: as if Sizhui was trying not to hate this person.

Wei Ying gulped as he slowly dismantled his fist. On his face was an odd expression.

"Lan Yuan, are you sure about this?... I mean, Jin Ling and Jingyi? Those two don't even get along- they practically hate each...", Wei Wuxian went mute when his mind completed that sentence faster than his mouth could utter it.

'People used to think Lan Zhan and I were sworn enemies...its got to be different right?... Jie, what do I do about this.', Wei Ying's face becomes comical.

"S...Sizhui...", he thought hard of something comforting to tell the man.

"I've racked my brain, trying to wrap my head around when they may have gotten close... So far, the only time I can think of is during the period Jingyi went missing. It was Jin Ling that found him."

'Yeah, that sounds feasible but...Holy Shit! He did it!", Wei Ying's eyes went wide after the silent epiphany. His unorthodox advice had stabbed him right in the back.

For the rest of the time, he shut up and let Lan Wangji take over parenting. Before he would say anything, he had to slap himself for being an envoy of crazy ideas.

Lan Wangji, "Have you talked to Jingyi about this?"

"...", Sizhui shook his head.

Lan Wangji, "Then do it. Communication is like the hilt of a sword, without it, you will get hurt when sparing..."

"What if it becomes too heavy to bear? And he...", Sizhui holds on to the notion.

" It has to be done sooner or later. Son, you're an adult and I trust you know how to handle your affairs...If staying here for some days will help clear things up, you have my support. You can come home when you're ready.", Hanguanjun stayed simple and direct.

"Thank you, Father...I have to help Uncle Ning.", Sizhui rose to his feet.

"Mn, go ahead.", his father answered. Wei Ying forged a smile and watched him leave.

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