Chapter 48

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Future Sect Leader Lan was ecstatic when Hanguanjun entered his room. HuiZhong crouched on the floor and begged his uncle for forgiveness once more. "It's ok, you can practice your writing today. Meet me at the Jingshi tomorrow.", Lan Wangji said.

Going to his father's quarters with happy feet, Lan Jiang chanced on his father telling a servant to send herbs to his mother's house. He didn't intend to eavesdrop; he only happened to be there just when the words came out. That bit of information made his day. Lan HuiZhong's first idea was to surprise his mother with a visit but that changed once he recalled Madam Lan disliked him appearing without being summoned. So he decided to wait until he was called.


Jiang Cheng received word from JinLintai that his nephew had been away from home for more than a month and it made him worry. Jiang Ju reminded him Rulan was no longer a child he had to lock up. "I know, but he can't disappear without making anyone aware of his whereabouts.", Jiang Cheng cross-checked a few plans while Jiang Ju held onto their son.

"Husband, you're right...Why don't you go there yourself?"

"Yes, I'll go but promise not to stress yourself with any duties. Li Qiang will be here to make sure you're well protected.", he picked up the next scroll.

"Pffft...There's peace in the lands, who would he be protecting me from?", Jiang Ju laughed and Jiang Cheng frowned. "Jiang Cheng, would it be alright if we asked Wei Ying to come around soon?"

"Why?", Her husband lifted a brow.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I miss having him here... I just have a feeling he should have stayed a little longer.", Jiang Ju smiled. Her husband stroke her face affectionately. "You're right, I wish he stayed longer too."


Lan JingFei frowned with a look black as thunder cloud when she opened her eyes. "What am I doing here?", She asked her maids in a sour tone. "Mistress, ZewuJun brought you back himself two days ago." Cuifen, the first servant answered. Madam Lan tried to get out of bed but they stopped her, reminding her she was pregnant. "My baby is strong, he doesn't need to be in this house to grow.", JingFei spat out furiously. 

"Yes Mistress, but he will be nurtured properly if you allow Zewujun to care for you. Please reconsider." Fan, the second servant closer to Madam Lan knelt at her feet. "Out here, you'll have better control over what goes on around you.", She added, swaying JingFei's judgment.

"You're right, I can do more out here...Get ink and paper, I need to write a letter to my mother.", Madam Lan lay back in her bed. Her eyes landed on a light blue tassel merged with a precious stone. "What's that?", She asked.

"It's a lucky charm from Future Sect Leader Lan to his mother.", Cuifen answered cautiously. "Bring it to me...", JingFei snatched the gift and threw it on the floor. "Don't ever bring any trash from that brat before me. And stop referring to him as the Future Sect leader, that will never happen- Not while I'm still alive. This baby, my only child, he will be the next Heir of Gusu!", She clenched her jaw.

" Mistress, please calm down. Anger is not good for the baby.", Cuifen lowered her head. Within a split second, Madam Lan switched moods. "Yes...Sorry, my beautiful child. Your mother is just stressed but doesn't fret, I'll make sure you have everything you need. My little Lan Jun.", She smiled as she caressed her barely prominent belly...


  Wei Ying sneezed. He raised his eyes and Wangji's head was already sticking inside the room. "Can you stop being paranoid and focus on teaching my Shidi. I'll kick you out if keep this up.", Wei Ying laughed. Lan HuiZhong found it funny too and chuckled.

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