Part 16: A Family Jade

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The family was back home and a lot went unsaid. One thing was for sure, Baoshan Sanren had been waiting for them to come to her. The others she arrived with settled in nicely. The ladies of the house were always quick to steal Ping and Zhihao went with Wei Ying.

Exploring the market and throwing feasts were necessary for a get-together but the Grandmaster was looking forward to more than just happy faces. Everyone seemed to be struggling with something and she was eager to listen and provide relief.

In the everglow of spring, Baoshan Sanren invited one of her grandsons to the meadow outside. They made their way through the elephant grass, down to a small hill where the sun touches the earth. "I want to make a portrait of you," she said. Lan Xing was an embodiment of joy and courage. Sanren could not get over the striking resemblance he had with Lan Wangji. It was almost annoying and sweet.

Sanren, "I'm told you were the valedictorian of your class. How noble."

Xing, "No, Grandmother. It is just another pitiful attempt at proving myself worthy. It does not make me noble or special."

"Hmm, that's not what I see... Lan Xing, have you ever wondered why Hanguangjun is hard on you sometimes?"

"You mean all the time," Xing chuckled. "We are working on patching things. Might take a while, but he swore to be more considerate."

"That's reasonable," the Grandmaster said as she made careful sketches of him. "I wonder, in all the instances you did not get along, were you ever considerate towards Lan Wangji?"

"Pfft! Sounds like you're about to scold me, Grandmother."

"Hahaha, my scolding days are way behind me my dear. Don't I spoil you enough?"

"You do."

"Stay still, I have to get your chin right," the Grandmaster narrowed her eyes. "As your number one supporter, I must be truthful to you. Your father hides his emotions and pretends on the surface to be the strong figure you see. Deep down he is dead worried about you. You may not realize this, but the more you rebel, the less of a father and a man Hanguangjun feels. I mean, who wouldn't be devastated about losing a prodigy."

Lan Xing laughed in disbelief, "Me, his prodigy? I'm the last person in the world Father would consider a prodigy. My elder brother is perfect for that role, he has always been the ideal son. Strong, wise, calm and composed."

"Lan Sizhui does carry your father's spirit, but not his blood. It all falls on your shoulder, Lan Xing. You are one of your father's greatest legacies. His firstborn son. It's only right he wants you to replace him and be responsible for your siblings."

"..." Lan Xing's cheerful look began to dwindle and he became a little nervous. There was no doubt that his father did not listen most of the time, but now that he was older and wiser, his grandmother's words poked him in the gut. The Grandmaster got a fine rough sketch but it was getting late. So they promised to complete it some other time and went back home.


In light of YongMing's recent manifestations, their grandmother spoke to his parents about examining them. She was the best person to tell if there was indeed a problem or not. It was a good opportunity to rule out any changes in the others. With a handful of her disciples around she had a place prepared.

The children were put to sleep and their cores were tested. It took the entire day to perform the ritual. Wei Ying was quite unsettled at the possible outcomes so Lan Wangji took him out for some alone time. Anything to distract him.

When it was time to discuss the results, the family came together. Lan Sizhui was not present but his wife took his place.

"Before I say anything, you need to understand this. Having a core does not define your character. What you do with it makes the difference," Sanren said to the young ones. Yulong stuck a finger into his ear to scratch an itch. He seemed to be the only one unbothered by these nerve-wracking processes.

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