Chapter 81

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Hi there...We're in for a long chapter. It may be ordinary, but I do hope you enjoy it.😊


A Week Later...

It was an insane thing to do- fighting for love. But Jin Ling saw the beauty of it and believed wholeheartedly that Lan Jingyi was destined to be his.

He went alone as planned, not a single disciple to cheer him on or fight for him. Unlike his Uncle, Jiang Cheng, who sized his opponent before taking on a battle, Rulan was rash and overly confident. Who could blame him?...

(Flashback to YueLian's Party)

Jin Ling leads Sizhui to one of the rooms in Ju's quarters and shut the door. "Five minutes, say what you have to.", he pranced with his hands behind him.

Sizhui observes some of the detail in the place. It was obvious the room had never been occupied. There were tiny traces of dust on the vase by the cabinet.

Staring at Jin Ling's back, Lan Sizhui grips his sword and inhales the cold air. To be frank, he wished to keep this person in the dark. To give Master Jin a fair share of the heartbreak he is suffering. 

He didn't know exactly how to deal with it, but Jingyi...that clueless man meant a lot to him. And as much as it killed him to be aiding the jerk that stole his dream, he wanted to be the better man- the man who promised to be Jingyi's best friend no matter what. After all, there is no person without flaws.

"Lan Sizhui...", Jin Ling turns around after the long silence. "You're not saying anything. Can I go now?", he folds his arms.

"Jingyi has been uneasy for the past few weeks. You should go see him.", Sizhui eased the frown on his face.

"Why...What's it to me?", Jin Ling asked.

It bugged Sizhui to hear that, "Was I wrong then? Were you playing with Jingyi's feelings?", his asked, anger seeping back into his tone.

"...What are you talking about?", Jin Ling clenched his jaw.

Sizhui drops his sword and steps up to Jin Ling. Grabbing the Sect Leader by the lapel of his robes, Sizhui hurls him up. "My life with Jingyi was going smoothly until you reared your ugly feelings at him. What right did you have to snatch him from me?... "

Somehow facing the reason behind his fall out with Jingyi gave him an outlet to push out the steam in his chest. Why did he have to go easy on the Sect Leader? On Second thoughts he did not want to be the better man. Jing Ling should go to hell. 

All the times he heard Jingyi laugh, the caresses and submission, all those ambitions, all the nights spent in blissful lovemaking... Sizhui began to wonder if any of it was real or did Jingyi fake his way through it.  

He had been deceived by his first love and for what?... This?

The more he let the bitterness take him, the wider his imagination grew. Did these two not do it behind his back or was it only wishful thinking that Jingyi only cheated with his lips?... The wild thoughts kept churning out an untapped rage. It hurt Sizhui to know that he was not the only one Jingyi liked, fancied, or loved. Was it even love at all?

"So that's why you hit me? Because you think I'm making advances at your lover?", Jin Ling smirked mockingly.

"Cut the crap and own up like a man! He chose me Jin Ling, and you... you... "

OUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER (A WANGXIAN STORY)Where stories live. Discover now