A New Acquaintance

Start from the beginning

"Hey. What were you watching at that theatre?" I ask.

"It was a repeat screening of an old movie. I doubt you'd know it if I told you" Yoshino says.

"Come on, just tell us" Itadori leans to look at Yoshino.

"Human Earthworm 3" Yoshino says, bringing back the memory of an okay movie.

"That one was super boring! Wasn't it Zero?!" Itadori says.

"Very" I lean back and arch my back for a stretch. Itadori stares for a moment, again. "We got hit so many times over it" I say as I massage my face.

"You guys got hit?" Yoshino narrows his eyes. "Honestly, it was" He adds. "But it's just a splatter film, so maybe it's our own fault for asking it to deliver more than that. But 2 was-"

"But 2 was pretty good, right?!" Itadori exclaims, interrupting Yoshino.

"Yeah! Yeah, it was!" Yoshino smiles widely. "It was the only one with a way you could enjoy it!" He adds.

"Huh? A way to enjoy it?" Itadori says.

I feel an odd presence. I look around and don't see much. I stand up and walk off. The two stare for a minute but ignore me. I look around, soon noticing a dark figure walk away. It didn't seem like a curse, it had a human figure, so I ignore it.

I walk back but bump into a woman who looks like Yoshino. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking" I say, she dropped her groceries so I help her pick them up.

"No, no, it's fine. Were you talking to my son? Junpei?" She looks down at Yoshino.

"Y- yeah, he's a nice kid" I say smiling.

"He sure is! What's your name?" She places her hand on my shoulder, making me uncomfortable. It's not her fault, she is nice, but I do flinch at her touch.

"Zero (Y/n), it's nice to meet you" I smile.

"Likewise.. Oh, Junpei?!" She smiles to me then looks at Yoshino.

"Mom?" Yoshino looks back to us, looking to me for a moment, then keeping his eyes on his mother.

"It's unusual to see you out here. Are these your friends?" She asks, first gesturing to me, then to Itadori.

"We just met, actually" Yoshino stands.

"We may have just met, but I think we can be friends" Itadori mentions.

"Really? I hope you get along well, then" The woman pulls out a cigarette, causing Yoshino's eyes to widen. The cigarette gave me memories of my past, one I didn't want to remember.

The scent of tobacco fills the room, making me sick of it. I have to deal with it almost everyday, and it's irritating.

"There are rules and regulations in place Igor, why don't you understand that?" A man more cleaned up and taken care of stands at the door, looking towards the lanky figure not too far ahead of me.

"And what are you gonna do? Call a superior?" Igor makes a weird face and sticks his tongue, making me have a weird reaction.

"I would, but they don't do jack shit. One day I'll put you in your place. Got that?!" Mr. Brown, as I call him gives Igor a mean look. He doesn't have much power over Igor, but Mr. Brown still tries to calm the lanky figure down.

"Uh-huh... maybe in your dreams" Igor laughs, continuing to smoke his cigarette. He walks over to Mr. Brown, exhaling his smoke in his face.

"Put that out! There's a damn child, you're going to get her sick!" Mr. Brown had very little care for me, but it was still care. I appreciated it at times, he was one of the only people that showed me true human emotion. I still don't understand that aspect though.

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