Blessed by deity

430 32 3

Beam lays his husband on the cold and hard ground while he himself kneels beside him. Profanities coming out of his mouth seeing how Forth is turning grey with each passing moment signifying the spiralling vicious effect of the hit. It is death spell. A spell which is no longer used as it's a very difficult one to learn. It was mostly practiced mostly in witch realm, but even then the number of witches who were an expert at this was very low. And now after decades, someone has used the same spell on his husband which only means ancients are nearby. He need to tell others about it but first, first he need to save his forth. He has met him after so long. ....I need to hurry up.... The vampire who himself is a doctor and has rescued so many human lives is helpless to saved his own husband. Irony is not lost on him....Park!! yes I need to go to him. He must have some information about it's cure.....In Jatapuram clan, Park is the only one who possess the healing power, like Knott is the one in Perawat's. Apart from them it is icy twins with healing energy but they can't use it to cure others. Beam has never felt this much helpless and weak ever in his entire existence. His eyes goes damp as wraps his arms around his mate, adjusting his head and strokes the ashen skin changing to black," please, not again Forth! I have been waiting for you for ages. why??? We have just met and you are again planning to go away from me. Please don't do this to your Beam...I love you pleeease come back! I know that I hurted you back then but don't punish me this way. I agree that I should not had helped Onark but I was stupid and jealous. Ruhona and Onark has filled my mind with unfathmabale anger and need to avenge my father's death and like a fool I got played in their hands...But pleasse please!!! don't go.....and with that one of the most strongest vampire on Earth lets out the first tear..a thick crimson crystal shaped tear falling off his eyes, one after another. The silence of night gets pierced with a scream full of grief and sorrow, of longing, of unending wait.

"What happened to him?", Beam whirls, positioning himself in attacking mode as he looks dead in eyes of the icy twins. He won't let anyone harm his Forth. Not anymore.

"We aren't going to harm him. You can trust us", Arthit steps towards Beam in an attempt to get near but slightly escaped by the energy hit from Beam.

"How can I trust you??? Hours ago, you both were palnning to take him down", Beam growls and looks over his shoulder to find his husband almost ashen self.

"He need help right fucking now. Only Dad has cures for dark spells. Let's go", Krist offers. Beam is in dilemma. If he should trust the twins or not? His line of sight goes back to Forth and his decision is made. He need to take the risk. Twins were not lying about only Moore having cure against the death spell.


"Go back to Uncle Moore. I'll handle them", August grunts as he decapitate another newbie. Conjuring his power, he again hits the vampires who are coming like crazy from each direction. The sky cracked with electricity as he throws another ball of energy to the dark cloaked shadows.

"No. I can't leave you alone", Kyle refuses, attacking another set of new borns turning them into ashes. He looks back where love of his life is on the ground under the protective white spell. As soon as they sensed the new borns, Kyle's first instinct is to protect his boyfriend. Ashley is a human and was bleeding. Which made their situation all the more dangerous. The new borns are always blood thirsty, not being able to control their urge to drink. He surrounded Ashley with white energy and started his kill spree.

"Don't be an idiot, Kyle. Ash is injured by a vampire. He need treatment. Just go", August chides him.

"But...but how can I go leaving you all to himself??", Kyle objects. He knows that what August is suggesting is right thing to do but....he can't intentionally leave his friend behind to die.

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