Are you sure?

566 57 21

" No"


" I said, N.O.NO"

"and we are saying YES"

Kongpob clenched his fist and flungs his backpack at twins but fucking hell to hybrid flexibility, Krist caught it before it can hit Arthit's face. Frustrated at the antics of duo, Kongpob sat cross legged in middle of his bed with his back to his seniors, scowling at the wall in front of him like they have committed some kind of crime.

The bed bounces as Arthit throws himself in bed in lying position beside Kongpob. Proping himself on his elbow, he gives a nod to his brother who has claimed the couch and faces his angry junior.

" Kongpob, it is for your own safety. We can not let you go on its own" , Arthit tries to make his junior see the logic here but all he gets is a grunt. But it didn't detter him from persuading Kongpob.

" Why are you so worked up about it ?  It's not like it will be the first time , is it ?? Please ??? I promise, me and Krist will be on our best behaviour." and he gets a grunt for second time in answer. Arthit pinches the bridge of his nose as he can not decide what to make of those sounds. With intension of giving time to Kongpob to cool off , Arthit pulls out a comic from his bag thrown on the floor and started reading it. Seeing the interaction between his brother and Kong, Krist decided to stay put for the time. He is not in mood to face the wrath of an angry puppy. He grinned at the term and plugged ear phones in ,checking for any important texts while listening music.

 He grinned at the term and plugged ear phones in ,checking for any important texts while listening music

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Half an hour goes by in same fashion and Kongpob could not take it any more. His eyeballs are tired of looking at the boring plain white wall. Begrudgingly, he turns to the doorway and sees the twins busy in their own world.

" Arthiittt!!! there is only 40 minutes left in departure of last bus for my hometown. I will miss it guys, just let me go."

" Kriist pleeeease!"

Kongpob makes his best puppy face and pleads to both. His brother and Ashley has told him countless times how no one stands a chance against his puppy eyes...please God just let it work this time...But much to his dismay none of the twin spare him a single glance.

Kongpob checks the his phone and finds a text from his brother asking if he got the bus or not . Replying a yes he slips the phone back in his pocket, he takes out a pair of clothes from the closet and makes his way to the bathroom to change. Giving a last glance to the twins, he heeds to the bathroom.

 Giving a last glance to the twins, he heeds to the bathroom

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