Frozen Flames...

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Arthit turns another newbie to ashes, just like many others and rushes to help Kyle who was getting attacked by three pure blood suckers. Having vampire genes, Arthit knows that Kyle is already drained of his power and without using dark spells he can not recuperated or defend himself. He out stretches his arms, stark blue flames emitting from them, penetrating one of the dark clothed immediately delving him into smoke.

Kyle kills the another two staggering on his legs as the adrenaline as well as the energy wears off and Arthit holds him before he can fall on the ground. His dark cloak changes to his human cloth self, his eyes turns normal human,"are you okay??". He nods in exchange of Arthit's question and stands up with later's help. Beam and August also came up to them from one side.

"ahhhh!!!", everyone turns in the direction of the screaming and finds the brunette getting burned by Forth.

" I told you that i hate back stabbers", Forth growls all menacing and Sally can only scream more, soon turning into ashes.

Arthit looks around for Kongpob but there's not a single evidence of him.

" where is Kongpob??", fear griped Arthit as he can not sense the male.

" I..I told him to run", Kyle anxiously answers making all of them flee out of the mansion. Both of them goes in different direction to search for Kongpob. Arthit can sense the panic overthrowing his calmness. He can not believe he lost kongpob once again.

He tries to sense him when he feels the dark energy emphasizing the presence of vampire. He follows the scent and comes into a pitch black alley, a bloodsucker crouched on the ground with his head lower over somebody. Using his hybrid eyes, he scans the body which is turned upside down and there is not a single movement in it. The vampire raises his head, may be getting alert of Arthit's presence, his blood coated fangs on display. Without wasting any time, Arthit rotates himself 360 his hybrid power radiating from him, making a loop and then the streaming lights detached itself from him taking a shape of sharp blades, decapitating the blood sucker immediately.

As Arthit nears the body, smell of death permeate his nose. The blue glow from his body faintly litting the alley enough to make shape of the body. Arthit lowers himself and turns the body facing towards him and his heart stopped. Hastily pulling the lifeless body in his lap, he cups the cheeks which are freezing like hell.

" Kong, KONGPOB!!!!wake up!!! Hey Kong!!!", Arthit taps the chilled skin, rubs the all cold hands to get them warm but in vain. He can clearly hear the very very feeble and weak almost there heartbeat. Kongpob is slipping away from life with each passing second.

" No Kongpob, you can't leave me again. Please have to live. I..I.. won't let anything happen to you. I love you..fucking dammit you can't leave me alone again.", Arthit shakes the  bloodless body again and again, even tried his flaming energy but nothing. He pulls Kongpob in his chest, hugging him tightly, cries of agony leaves his mouth. He can not go through the same experience of his beloved dying in his arms..I won't let anything happen to you Kong. Just a little kong!!! His body is going in hypothermia stage. The vampire must have freezed him before biting him. I need to go...Deciding hastily, Arthit lifts Kongpob in his arms and teleports to Forth's mansion. He will do anything to save him even if it means breaking rules of his clan.

" FORTH!!! BEAM!!! ", the duo pull apart from their heated discussion and runs to him, stopping mid way when they sees how colourless the body is and the biting marks at the juncture of the neck and shoulder on right side.

"He..He is not wa..waking up. I don't want..want to lose him again. Please Forth, I beg you him.", the black magic leader nears the fallen Arthit on his knees hugging the mortal's limp body to him, pleading him and his walls cracks a bit as he remembers the last time he had seen the same thing...years ago...

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