Arrival of ancients

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Far far away in the southern corner of the earth, exists a dark world where is no light or warmth to get rid of persistent bone chilling cold, where no one can differentiate between a day and night far from prying eyes of humanity, where sky is just an endless pit covered in immense layer after layer of immense darkness. Creatures who crowd the deep dark valleys are few, the rocky paths absent of any smoothness , jigjag shaped roads going nowhere getting lost in pitch blackness. A bottomless pit. Demonvart - city of vampires and witches. There is not a sign of life there atleast not of human life.

This place is hidden from prying eyes of satellites and others and as long as the cold blood wants, the situation would remain same. Staying off radar is their motto but it doesn't mean they are unaware of things.

Each and everything going on around different clans located all over the world doesn't go unnoticed by the creatures here. They all are immensely powerful and vicious, and survive on mortals. For them, human is just a food and nothing else. Human disgust them and these blood suckers only head to human civilization whenever the urge to drink rises. Sometimes they went in group, other times alone to hunt, to prey on humans quenching their thirst, hunger and replenishing their powers.

Astroph - the most ancient vampire present in the world, a pure blood evil snaps open his red eyes as he feels the burst of palpable energy, a clear sign of bonding energy - mating of two soulmates.

Astroph is about 500 or so years old vampire. Master of many tricks, spells and charms. No one knows his exact age or the limit of his powers. He is cruel,vicious and an opportunistic. It is said that he sucks the energy of other vampires to keep himself as alive as a dead person could be.

Bonding energy is one of the oldest and most sacred ritual among them but has not seen day of light because vampire mates could not survive the burst of zest and very few of them able to absorb the aftermath heat in their cold prone body.

The vampire closes his eyes, concentrating to pin point the exact location of the source of energy, to know which world he need to ascend to get the powers. His surprise to find that this time also it is earth just like last time when he went to drink from those soulmates but unfortunately one of them was a woman, a weak mortal and nothing else who died while protecting her mate.

A devilish laugh escapes him as he remembers how he had snatched the life of the woman, draining her of blood. He gulps as the sweet scent of her blood waters his mouth.

.......Someone in the human world had not only been able to bond to his or her soulmate following the custom but also had also been competent enough to manage the power chasms...Interesting!!...

But this time there is something unique about it. He can clearly feel energy of one, a mix of human and vampire - a hybrid.

Astroph sneers thinking of an act which is downright deemening and offending to him. As per his views, humans are just a means of end for vampire, not have any quality to be in same category as the night wanderers. Vampires were and are the most powerful being existed on the earth. Humans are no match for them. That's why he hate humans and more over the hybrids - a result of mating between vampires and human weaklings. And once again he is going to prove that theory by killing both soulmates by feeding on them.

Back to the topic, Astroph finds it strange that there is no evidence or hint of a smell of other vampire. It is quite strange but he can ponder over it later. He need to leave and meet the hybrid who had been able to use the Bonding Energy and came out unscathed. He salivates thinking about the sweet nectar of mate energy he will drunk from both vampires. His mind blows away considering how much his powers will increase probably ten fold or more when he would empty out both mates from the last drop of energy....and then I will be able to help my Ruhona...

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