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Kongpob's protests muffled, a large and rough palm pressed against his mouth as he eyes the person, no not person but a vampire who he had encountered that night while running away from Forth's mansion. The ancient one. Who had bitten him. If made assumptions, the intruder would not be much older than Moore. Has a tall build up, fair skin, dark black hair matching the menacing eyes, which would have been beautiful if not for the evil and malacious glint in them. who had been acting as his elder brother Ashley. The man in front of him is something more sinister than normal vampire if one can say that being a vampire is normal...the way his soulless gaze is drilling into him, Kongpob feels the dread for his brothers, his lovers and all those people who are here to protect him rising by each second. He need to do something to alert Eleana.

"Kongpob!!! you sleeping??? wanna hang out???", Jason's voice filters through the dark wooden door sending a surge of hope in the human.

Kongpob perks up hearing the male voice as his insides lifts up. He attempts to scream but it came out as a choking noise. Seeing that it's not working in his favour, the human starts to bang his legs on the bed alongside thrashing his body...why didn't Arthit give his fighting powers to me??? ugghhhh!!!!...

"Kongpob??? Helllo??? Hey Human!!!!"

When Jason didn't heard any come back, he supposed that the later is asleep and turns back," looks like you are sleeping. well, good night Mortal!"

The human struggling in the grip of ancient vampire stops his movement altogether as he hears the faint echoes of retreating footsteps. His lifts his head and instantly shuts his eyes seeing the frightening pitch black pupil less eyes. Fear paralysing him ashe feels his heart thudding agaisnt his rib cage ready to leap out of his mouth any second. Kongpob had never witnessed something this much scary. Goose bumps spread through his whole body which is trembling like a leaf as cold sweat makes their way to his creased forehead. He wants this nightmare to go away.

"It's time to say goodbye, Human", Kongpob squeezes his eyes more, his eyebrows scrunched together tightly, trying to shrink his body away from the walking dead, a shudder ran through him as his blood runs cold at the remark. And before he can grasp on the words, a burning pain flares up inside him and he hunched over as he lost the grip on the reality.

The ancient vampire smiles sardonically before lifting the passed out mortal in his arms and jumps out of the window, landing smoothly on the backyard and heads towards the dark forest. He had only taken two steps when Eleana and Jason blocks his path.

While the giant vampire has taken the attack stance, the girl tsks before catwalking to the ancient. Stopping few steps away and tilts her head to the side, a mocking smile twisting her red staines lips, " we meet again, Uncle!"


"Did you heard anything??"


"Bright??, how is it at your end??"

"Bright??? hey asshole!!", Prem swears when his friend doesn't reply through their telepathic bond.

"I swear am going to kick his ass and -


-would ask Jason to pummel him well so that he remembers that he need to ans-


"WHAT????", Prem snaps at Knott before he stills. He has been so grossed worrying over his friend that he failed to smell the new comers. He, Bright and Knott are on the south end of the city which is the landmark for werewolves. From this point onwards, the land belongs to werewolves. None of them have personally had encounter to the other creature's clan as they both maintains their distances but there had been one or two clashes or feud between both groups in the past, mostly among college students. Not very huge so it has not been reported by neither groups.

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