Forget me not

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Knott and Prem comes to a standstill, keeping their eyes at the pack before them, gauzing for any miniscule of movement on their part. The other party is doing the same thing and the stare down had kept on continuing if not for the muffled groan from Bright who is tied by a sliver chain around him. His white skin almost red due to bleeding from places where the chain is digging into his skin.

"Let him go", Prem growled. Zared and his friends starts cackling like they had heard something very funny.

"And why should we? He has clearly broken the rules", Zared kicks Bright who tumbled over with the effect and moans in pain.

Prem felt his blood boiled at this and steps forward, ready to charge at Zared but Knott stops him mid way," control yourself. He is provoking you. We need to tread carefully"

Prem gritted his teeth but nods, knowing that whatever his friend is saying is the right way to do things. At the moment, they can't afford to involve in a brawl with wolves. He steps back a little, while Knott addresses the pack," Leave our friend or else you won't like the consequences"

"Consequences? Huh??", a tall and muscled man comes out in front, dressed in a grey t shirt and black shorts. He has this ear length black hair, parted from middle. His eyes shimmering firey red just like the other wolves in the pack. There are metal loops adorning his right ear, a piercing on his left eyebrow. He walks to Bright and grips his hair hard, making the injured vampire whimper" should not it be your friend who afraid of consequences??? After all he broke years old treaty and crossed the line, trespassing our territory. "

Prem could not bear any more and launched himself at the tall man, toppling over him. One second the tall man was sitting and next he is rolling on the ground with Prem. For few seconds, no one moved and then Zared and his whole pack is turning into large four pawed beasts, their clothes bursting into pieces, body covering into long dark hair, teeth elongated into sharp canines, dark whiskers covering their mouth. Within no time, the place filled with howling and growling of wolves.

A distressed Knott swears under his breath, at the way situation that went out of control and spurts into action. Lifting his palm, he initiated the spell, multiple dazzling golden laser like lights piercing the skin of his hand comes out, circling him and Bright in a a tranparent wall, keeping the werewolves at bay. Knott rushes to his friend to help him when he hears an all too familar shout. He side glances at Prem, a big dent in his neck side, who is now fighting off a monstrous wolf two times larger in size than his, standing on his hands, his paws all ready to claw his heart out of his chest, sharp and pointed teeth few seconds away from sinking in the flesh.

Not waiting, the muscled vampire holds out his hand and hits the animal before aiming. The bolt of crackling light strucks the wolf in his belly who is only a second away from toring Prem. Instantly the skin caught fire making the wolf howl in pain as he staggers away from the vampire. Grabbing the opportunity, the pale skinned vampire, kicks the wolf in its hind paws and rolls away. The rest of the pack panics and rushes to help their friend except Zared, who runs back to their head. Snitching them about the fight. He has so many unfinished businesses with Arthit and his gang and looks like today is the golden opportunity to milk the situation in his favour for once and all.

Coming to his feet, Prem looks for his friend and finds Knott who is in middle of freeing Bright. Teleporting himself directly to their side, he crouched beside the vampire.

"What happened??", Prem asks, seeing Knott frustrated.

"I..I am not able to take it off. The more I try to yank it, the more it is dugging deeper, slicing the skin", Knott raked his hair back, rubbing both palms over his face.

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