Guess, who's my crush ?

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Ashley is sitting on the couch placed in living room while Kongpob is lying there with his head in his lap. They both are in same position since they reached home after he has picked up a crying Kongpob from the middle of road. Neither of them saying or asking anything.

" Kiddo, what happened?? Won't you tell Ashley ?" Caressing the soft tendrils, Ashley cojoled Kongpob. He knew that it becomes very difficult to extract anything from Kongpob if he is not willing to share it on its own and because of this, no one knows what is troubling him. Few minutes silence later, he hears a soft voice and a sigh of relief escapes him.

" Ashley do you....have you ever fall in love ?" Kongpob asks ,his voice mere a whisper . If Ashley has not been paying attention,he would have missed the question. Ashley smiles, caressing the soft strands and hummed.

" Hmm

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" Hmm..once " Ashley answers absentmindely.

When Ashley doesn't elaborate Kongpob turns in his lap and looks at the guy who is like a second family to him after his brother.

" How does it feel & how did you know that what you are feeling is love ?"

" Why are you asking?? Do you like someone?? " Ashley can't help but ask. It is first time since he has known Kongpob that the little guy has shown this kind of emotion. He has met Kongpob when he was a toddler of 2 years . He has seen a little cute Kongpob growing up into a handsome and charming self attracting boys and girls like a moth is attracted to flame . So he really want to know about the person who has managed to spark feelings in him.

" I ..I guess so ." Kongpob looks unsure while answering.

" what do you mean by it ?? Either you like it or not?? " Ashley can understand why Kongpob is confuse but he wants to know the real deal so that he can give an honest reply .

" Actually I ..I met a guy, he has saved my life not once or twice but three times . He was very gentle and caring . I..We kissed ...with him I feel special , loved ...but today he was kissing another person . When i confronted him about it, he said...He said he don't have feelings for me.. that the kiss was..just a kiss nothing more. I don't know why but it gutted me . I wanted to get away from him anyhow so I just ran away ."

Kongpob feels light after telling everything to Ashley. Apart from his elder brother, he is the only one who is family. Ashley is 10 years older than him, same age as his brother and best friend. Throughout his life, Ashley was always with them in thick and thin . He is like a second big brother to him, a friend, a confidant . They live in same neighbourhood , across each other.

Ashley's parents died in a car accident leaving him to his old granny . His big bro and Ashley were kindergarten friends.

Kongpob parents left the world when he was 4 years old . His elder brother was only 14 years old at that time ,thus the state ordered to sent them to foster homes . Nobody believed that a minor of 14 could take care of a 4 year child and despite numerous pleadings Social service came to took away Kongpob. That time Ashley's granny came as angel and adopted both of them . From then on they became a family not only on paper but in heart also.

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