The lying alpha

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"Her name is Lila Rossi, she lies about everything she can think of to make others follow her like claiming she has a powerful quirk or where she has been... Even her second gender" Jasmine explained making there eyes widen, lying about things you've done or where you've been is one thing, lying about having a quirk can have consequences in the end but for someone to lie about there second gender... Is a huge crime, sure some people prefer to hide there second gender which is mostly omega's by having there scent hidden to be believed as a beta as long as someone knows your actually an omega... But for someone to lie about there actual second gender can be severely punished when discovered "What does she claim to be?" Tenya asked making her look at him "She claims to be an omega... When she's actually an alpha" Jasmine whispered making them look at her in surprise.

"How can she do that ribbit? Better yet, how do you know she lied about her second gender in the first place?" Tsuyu asked and was surprised when Jasmine glared at her, her eyes looked to be filled with anger but Katsuki could tell there was more to it in her eyes then what she was showing them... He really wanted to understand more of this but right now allowing her to open up about all of this slowly would be fine for him "She took off her little bracelet that was actually an illegal scent changer and gave me a command in the bathroom when I walked in alone before she followed me in" she hissed making them feel anger coursing through them, scent changers were made to try and help abused omega's to protect themselves a long time ago... But then other's began to slowly demand them and so the whole thing was stopped and destroyed, but to think someone got one.

Katsuki knowing that her anger was keeping her from talking had tried to calm her down with his scent with the hopes it would help her to relax a bit before she continues with her story... But it only made things worse because she froze with wide eyes and then all of a sudden a puff of smoke hid her from everyone as some had gasped in surprise... And then revealed a small trembling nine tailed fox in her place, from the look of it she was scared from what he just did "Please... Don't do that" she whimpered making Denki look at her confused "But... He's your true mate? Why won't you let him scent you?" he asked as the class minus, Koji and Izuku looked between Jasmine and Katsuki in shock at the news of the two being true mates.

Jasmine was still in the small form and didn't move from her spot as Katsuki tried to touch her gently to replace the whole scenting idea he had at first that failed in the end... An idea forming in his head at what might have happened to make her react like this "Did someone... Force you to be scented by them? Back in Paris? Or maybe at your old school?" he asked, everyone went quiet as she closed her eyes and nodded very slowly before her shaky voice came out "The school's principal had claimed that alpha's can do what they want since they were the superior second gender while omega's were at the very bottom... Calling us breeders simply since that was pretty much what we could do only... So if an alpha want's me well they simply need to scent me until they claim me when there ready to mate" she explained as she then jumped at the sound of an explosion going off, he was fucking furious right now!

Who would fucking dare to force her to be fucking scented by some fucking alpha she didn't even want!? He so badly wanted to find them and blow up there motherfucking face off for scaring his fated mate like that... But the faint whimpers coming from Jasmine made him stop and slowly stroked her little furred body with the hopes that it would calm her down "He was never nice to me when we were alone, always saying that I should be grateful that he was scenting me at the time because he was in love with me... Claiming it was to keep me safe from more dangerous alpha's and no one would ever love me like he does, then he would promise that once we graduate he would claim me, fill me with pups before leaving for college... Until I transferred here without him knowing" she whimpered as Katsuki surprised her by slowly picking her up and gently placing her on his lap.

No one spoke about his actions... They just left him be, very slowly Jasmine calmed down and another puff of smoke hid her from there eyes for a moment to then reveal her... But as a five year old, it wasn't much but it was at least something new to them and Izuku looked amazed at what she was doing right now, guess he never saw her do that before now but Katsuki didn't care... Instead he focused on the faint scent she was releasing by him that the other's weren't noticing just yet, Katsuki hadn't gotten the time to really take in her scent but now that he did... It was amazing, her scent was so refreshing, he could smell wild berries with a hint of vanilla making him so badly want to rumble to her but he held it in "So we got a quirkless liar and some crazy alpha? Can I just blow up there faces?" he asked making her look at him in shock.

"No! You are not going to blow someone's face up!" she responded making them all laugh at how funny her reaction was as her scent then became noticed slightly by those who were closer to her, it was easy to tell that she was now relaxing around them slowly and he was happy about that, she then went back to talking about what happens in Paris at her school "Alpha's do what they want, if an omega they want is in heat... Then they fight to mate and claim them, that's why when my heat comes around I find an excuse to not come to school until it's over" she explained making them all panic at what she just said "You don't know the number of times I see an alpha forcing an omega into mating with them and then claiming them... And as they walk away the omega is left there to cry on the ground" she whispered as Katsuki pulls her close to his side.

There was more for her to explain, but Tenya believed it was best for them to sleep over what she said so far... And maybe get Aizawa to come hear all of this, Katsuki took her to his room because he wanted her to have something, he had her come into his room as he then walked around to grab a few things and then handed her a few of his clothes "When you go back to your room, I want you to sniff my stuff and let your instincts take over... Then you'll see a bit of what a nest is" he explained making her nod in understanding, she then for a moment looked around the room before he walked to her side "Can I scent you?" he asked her softly as she looked at him in surprise to his words before slowly nodding to him, she had been forced scented in the past but Katsuki asked so this was fine right?

He slowly moved so his left scent gland on his neck was close to her own before he began to release his scent... Jasmine began to purr at the warm camp fire with a mix of chocolate and cinnamon scent began to wrap her body fully, Katsuki was slightly surprised at her reaction to his scent but then again the reaction was a good one right? So this was a good thing right now, but her room still needed to be taken care of, so once she left to get back to her own room he grabbed his phone and went to there class chat to explain her room and how they need to go shopping for her.

It was agreed that they would go to the mall to shop for her, of course the girls would check her room out to see what she would need and if something needed to be thrown away because it wasn't good anymore, then the omega's will come to talk to her about her omegan needs that need to be taken care of... He just hopes it will all go well with the fact the class didn't want her to pay for anything... Now he just had to make a call, with that he dialed his mom "What do you want brat?" she asked with a bit of anger in her voice "Hey mom" he said for the first time in well who knows how long really... This surprised Mitsuki as she then called for her husband Masaru to come over "Did something happen at school today?" his father asked as Katsuki sighed... And then told them about Jasmine being his true mate.

He told them how she arrived the day before as a transfer student, how she was quiet and closed off to others, how her quirk was freaking nine tails and she could perfectly hide her scent and then... Told them about her old life in Paris and what they did to her "And right now she's trying to adjust here but... She doesn't have anything in her room to call the room her's and there's no nest... I want to help and I don't know how" he explained as his parents grew silent, he really didn't know what to do in order to help his mate heal from all of this... He already knows that she needs time before he can court and claim her but he hopes his parents can help out even just a little bit.

"Katsuki" his mother began, it was rare for her to say his name and not call him brat "You need to understand that while you do want her to recover first which she accepted... Her omega won't wait and will at some point think your no longer interested, so you need to start slowly courting her so her omega knows you want her" she explained making Katsuki's eyes go wide, she was right! This was actually a basic lesson he got in middle school about omega's and how there inner omega's will take things differently when told something... He would need to court her a bit in the end, his parents explained that for now just doing small things alpha's do to mates there courting is best for now and to do at certain times making him agree and began to work on what he needs to do.

He does hope it will all go well.

BNH: Angel with red eyesWhere stories live. Discover now