Almost there

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A month and a half has passed since the news of Jasmine being pregnant and of there little trip at the training camp, sadly to be ready was taking longer since some of the classmates who thought they had everything actually some things either expired or close to being expired so they needed to either buy more or order some, next there was the fact that the alpha's and omega's for the trip needed to get there suppressants, some weren't lucky though... Denki had to go through a heat in his room because the ones he take were no longer being made and it would take a month before the pharmacy could prepare some that were recommended by his doctor.

Then there was the adults that were coming with them, sure they had Shouta, his boyfriend Hizashi and Toshinori but considering they needed to be ready for anything... They needed more, so it wasn't a surprise when Katsuki's parents and Izuku's mom decided to tag along for this trip... But it did surprise them when pro hero Hawks and Endeavor decided to come... Especially when Shoto's two older siblings and his mother were coming, but they had to also work with there time, since there were pro heroes' coming along and a pair of adults who had work it all depended and that too, not only that but during the first month it was discovered that Jasmine was already showing, Recovery girl claimed that Jasmine was expecting more then one pup and so would need to be examined more often for a while.

So Katsuki began to buy things for Jasmine to fit her while there pups grow inside of her, he didn't mind though, but hearing her get out of bed at four a.m to puke then at twelve in the afternoon and lastly at eleven thirty-five... He wished the pups would go easy on her, so after talking to Recovery girl he bought Jasmine some Diclegis which the doctor approved Jasmine to take for the puking she was going through, she took every morning to help her stop puking three times a day, this was for at least a while... At least for the first month, after that one day Jasmine didn't take it and she was fine making Katsuki sigh in relief and simply put them away for now... Just in case this happens again to someone else.

Right now Jasmine wasn't doing too well, her feet were already aching and this was the day that she planned to take Eri to go shopping for a few books and toys for there little vacation, she felt so bad being unable to walk at the moment as Katsuki got dressed to take there pup out shopping "I'm really sorry" she said again as he finished getting dressed "It's fine Jasmine, your feet are hurting right now and so you need some rest" he explained making her nod in understanding as he then left there room and headed to knock on the door to Eri's room to have her come out so they could get going "Eri? You ready to go?" he asked softly as she quickly came out with a bright smile.

Right now Jasmine wasn't doing too well, her feet were already aching and this was the day that she planned to take Eri to go shopping for a few books and toys for there little vacation, she felt so bad being unable to walk at the moment as Katsuk...

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He was happy to see his pup smiling as they walked out to get to the mall, the little girl was skipping while holding his hand, he was happy to be able to make her happy like this right now "So... Where to first? Books or toys?" he asked making her giggle... It confused him actually "What is it?" he then asked making her smile "I wanted to buy you and mom something! With the books and toys" she explained making his eyes widen to her words, she wanted to buy them something? That was just too sweet to him right now... But he didn't mind, first they bought the toys she wanted and then headed to the bookstore for those books she also wanted "We might find something to gift your mom... I'm not into reading all that much" he explained making her nod as she picked out what she wanted... And then another book.

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