Time to face the music

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A month goes by since the birth of the pups and the Paris class asking to come visit, Jasmine has recovered and is now back in class with the pups in the teacher's lounge being watched at all times by a teacher or Nezu, Jasmine and Katsuki would check on them between each break and would take them for lunch in the classroom so they could all be together with the pack, Jasmine's family and friends in Paris have done video calls to see the pups and were so happy with how healthy they looked to them making Katsuki feel proud at how great things were for them.

When the class was talking about there hero names, it was revealed by Midnight that Jasmine has selected her's making them turn to her in wonder on what her hero name was "I decided on: The elemental fox hero of illusions Kitsune" she revealed, all of them loved it as it made sense with her quirk, none of them had any problem with the name and were excited to suit up and call her said hero name... Katsuki was even more excited to be honest, when they would return to there room with the pups placed in the large crib, he would always praise his omega for how amazing she was and how special she was and how much she loves his strong omega which resulted in her purring at his words.

At times, Jasmine's sister Chloe would call and tell her how they were all doing preparing for there trip to Japan, she would always talk about how excited she was to see the look on those idiot's faces when they see Jasmine again... But so was the pack, now they still didn't know when the class was coming, so they weren't doing anything for them... Not that they planned to do anything other than for there packmates who were from Paris, including Kagami, Luka, Aurore, Mireille, Zoe and a guy named Marc who were coming with them for the trip to Japan, Katsuki of course wanted those people to be welcomed into there dorm so with the help from Jasmine they went to do some shopping.

They wanted to buy them just a few things to make them feel welcomed... Izuku was already buying courting items and nesting material for Marinette which made Jasmine laugh herself to the ground but still! They had a great time together, Katsuki smiles once back at the dorm when he sees his mate with the pups in the pack nest, relaxed and happy with everyone there, he was so happy to have her in his life... And there three wonderful pups, after a while it was time to feed them, so Katsuki picks up Katsumi while Jasmine took the boys and began to breastfeed them both while Katsuki fed his daughter by bottle.

He would at times glance towards his omega since she was gorgeous with there pups, once they were done taking care of the pups, Katsuki held his omega close to him "We made great pups" he said making her purr in joy to his words, being praised in such a balanced way was amazing to an omega because it wasn't them being pushed to do there job to have pups or the other claiming they made perfect kids... No it was balanced, Jasmine did her best to carry the pups full term and Katsuki helped care for her and the pups as they were conceived "I think Lucas is the cutest... Cause he looks like his dam" he said making her huff and smack her alpha in the chest "They are all cute!" she claimed making him chuckle at the reaction he got out of her.

About two weeks later, the class is outside doing there stretches and workout because it is very important to keep in shape when you can without pushing yourself too far and then hurt yourself, Jasmine and Katsuki had brought the pups with them and they were held by Hitoshi and Eri as they were getting started, Jasmine was excited for this because she had wanted to get back into it as soon as possible and right now she was training like before getting pregnant, something that Katsuki was happy about... Was that her cuts were gone, they were no longer there and he was so happy to no longer see them.

Then it happened, Nezu came to get Aizawa because the class arrived, they all look at one another as there teacher leaves and they grin and follows them together, none of them knew what would happen when they get to the entrance at all... Because anything can happen really, but there focus was on how Lila will react to seeing Jasmine of all people again after everything she put the omega through, they get there as the class is being told about rules and how they won't be in the same dorm building as Jasmine began to clearly see her old classmates.

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