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"Alright everyone... Settle down now" Aizawa speaks calmly as his students look at him "As you can tell, Mineta is not here... He was expelled since last week due to the massive number of girls reporting to be touched by him in secret" he explained making them all but Katsuki look at Minoru's desk "Even so, starting today we will be having a new student in our class... You can come in now" he said as the door opened and in walked a young girl.

Her dark brown hair was to her mid-back, her matching brown eyes were behind a pair of purple rimmed glasses... But the way she looked, it was like she was scared that someone would jump her at any moment as she turned to face the class "This is Jasmine Lessard, she's a transfer student from a school in Paris and starting today she will be part of the class... Treat her well" Aizawa demanded making them all nod as he then signaled for her to sit at the empty desk behind Izuku as the lesson began with everyone being quiet.

Katsuki felt like... Something was off with the new girl, he could tell it from the faint scent she had... She was scared, he wanted to know more about it but for now all he could do was wait until they had a break, the bell at last rang and the day ended so class 1-A began to head back to there dorms, Tenya tried to talk to Jasmine and have her be shown around... But she was simply quiet and headed straight to her room "That was... Strange, it was almost like she wanted nothing to do with us" Ochako quietly said as she went to her alpha Tenya's side.

Katsuki could tell though... She was stressed, Tenya talking to her and being so close was too much for her so she left for her safe space at the moment, with that he decided to head to the kitchen to make her something to eat... He was certain she wasn't going to come out anytime soon, he made her some soup thinking it was the best he could make and headed to where her room was and got to her room, he then gently knocked on the door "Jasmine? I'm Katsuki your classmate. I brought you some soup to eat, i'll leave it by your door and i'll come back later to collect the dishes" he explained softly.

Just as he was about to set the tray down, the door opened, Jasmine was peeking her head out... With fox ears? He didn't remember seeing fox ears on her back in class "You were hiding your quirk?" he asked making her slowly nod as she further opened the door to let him in, he could then see that she had nine tails... So she was with a special quirk, they would find out about it during hero class that was for certain, he set the tray on her desk and then turned to her "I'll come back later to get the tray, just leave it outside alright?" he said making her slowly nod as he then smelled it... She wasn't stressed anymore "Feeling better then being in class? I faintly noticed your scent... You were scared and stressed" he said making her nod once more.

So there was something that happened that scared her and then got her to be stressed "Was it because Tenya was too close?" he asked making her once more nod as she moved to the tray to eat her soup with him looking around her room... It was so plain, there was nothing that told him this was her room or anything, then he looked at her bed "Hey? Where's your nest? Your an omega right? So you need a nest no?" he asked making her turn to him confused to his words "You know? A nest? Something you go into with the scents of your mate, family and people your close to? You go in there to be with your mate and for your heats?" he began asking as she kept on shrugging her shoulders... She didn't know what a nest was at all.

Something was wrong... Very wrong, the fact she didn't know about a nest... Something must have happened to her back in Paris "Would it be... Too much to ask about your life... In Paris?" he asked and he saw it happen, her scent went sour, she was panicking and growing scared as she started nodding to his question... She wasn't going to talk about Paris, she was hiding something about her life there and he wouldn't be able to know about it right now, he nodded softly and then left her room... He would leave it at that as he then went to find the only omega he could talk to "Oy Pikachu! Gotta ask you a question" he said making the blonde walk over to him slightly confused.

"What's up Bakugo?" Denki asked his classmate, he noticed Katsuki looked slightly anxious about something "Turns out new girl is an omega if you didn't know... But she doesn't know about nesting for some reason, when I brought up Paris she freaked out" he explained making Denki's eyes widen... She didn't have a nest? That was strange since omega's need them for when they go in heat "Let me try to talk to her with Koji... Maybe we could get her to open up or something" he explained making Katsuki nod and then head to the kitchen to make himself something to eat before heading back to collect the tray... Where he found a note for him.

"Thank you for the meal... I'm sorry for freaking out... Things about Paris is too much for me right now so please don't bring it up again" it said, easy enough Jasmine was explaining something about her past... But Katsuki could tell that it was something dark, for now he would leave it at that and let the rest of the class know about it... But he was certain to get some answers at some point... Especially when all he can think of is marking Jasmine as his omega right now as he takes the tray to the kitchen right now.

BNH: Angel with red eyesWhere stories live. Discover now