There move

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Jasmine was three months and a half pregnant... And the class didn't know what to do right now, see, when they all came back from there trip, at first they were able to relax and get back to there classes for a month... And then principal Nezu came to them with news, Jasmine's old class reached out to have class 1-A come visit them for a while, of course he didn't reply, it was for them to answer not him, so here they were in the dorms... Thinking in silence, Katsuki held Jasmine close while stroking her stomach slowly, her face was at his mark that she placed on him during there mating as she tried to calm him down.

"You guys don't have to give an answer now you know" she began softly as they turned to look at her "Sure they might send another email at some point for an answer... But they can't rush you at all... It would be wrong since there is a time difference and classes here are different" she explained making them nod at how right she was "Why don't you all think about it and around when i'm... Five? Six months along? You can give an answer? There is no rush remember?" she added making them all smile at her kind words as they agreed to her idea and then went on with there day, Tenya did report this to Nezu who agreed that they shouldn't be rushed and that they could talk about it together before giving him there answer.

For now they focused on helping Jasmine and there classes, the whole possible trip to Paris was pushed to the back of there minds, Jasmine was having fruit cravings so everyone made sure there was fruit for her to snack on or to make a fruit salad with, Rikido sometimes baked something with the fruit as a treat for her... The smile and purr she would make was satisfying to him and the rest of the gang, slowly the class became a part of Katsuki's pack so it was fun to be together, there were nights when Katsuki would wake up with a start from a dream connected to Adrien taking Jasmine, the pups dead and Lila laughing... Each time Jasmine would use her scent to calm him down and then has him lay his head on her stomach to know that there pups were indeed alive and well.

After a while, Jasmine had them join her so she could show them what her old classmates looked like and explain to them there quirks, then she did the same for her friends, they were happy to know who they could trust and who they were to hate... Because Jasmine showed them a list of things that the class did to Jasmine and Marinette because Lila accused them of things, this angered Izuku and Katsuki, of course Mari was added to the pack already... But not the others just yet, Marinette had been the only one Katsuki spoke to and got consent to be added to his pack, the others were bonding again with Jasmine so he couldn't speak to them, but he planned to ask them the next time he saw them.

Slowly, time went on and soon Jasmine was five months pregnant when Nezu informed them that he got another email... This time demanding for an answer, they looked at one another and agreed to go... But Jasmine would stay behind for the pups, they didn't want her to give birth in Paris or for something to happen to her because of the class, she didn't mind of course... As long as she could help with any plan that needed to be made to go on the trip... And if they promise to buy her a few things, so they agreed on the items... But refused on her helping by pointing out that she's pregnant, she huffed at this but it didn't look like she was going to give up at all right now.

Nezu sent a response explaining that the class agreed to come to Paris, he requested a list of requirements from the class to set up for the trip and how the school will proceed to welcome the class to Paris... Clarifying that a class will need to greet them either at the airport with a method of transportation, at the hotel or at the school... And many other things, Jasmine explained that she wasn't sure how Damocles might set things up if this wasn't brought up so Nezu promised to write it in, Jasmine also explained how Caline works "If there is a fight or a small dispute, she won't make it stop, listen to both sides and then punish the one who was in the wrong... She will make them apologize, ignore it or blame Marinette for not stopping/being the better person" she explained.

Izuku ended up activating his quirk on accident in anger, of course Jasmine was quickly able to calm him down by using an item that Mari had scented that she was given for such incidents, he quickly calmed down but she took it back to keep her scent for as long as possible, she asked Izuku to calm himself for when he goes to Paris "If they see you become defensive for Mari... Lila will use it against you, she might claim that Mari paid you to be protective of her to the class and they will bully her for it" she explained, everyone was angry at the news of course, but they had to protect Mari who was there packmate no matter what, so everyday for about an hour or longer, Jasmine would change herself to be Lila or another student of the class to help them stay clam no matter what happens.

So far the class was doing well, Shoto was at times getting angry and would begin to activate his quirk, Denki will move over as his quirk is active to shock her and Ochako looked ready to make the person Jasmine looked like float into space... But Izuku and Katsuki always let loose with there quirks, it was hard to calm them down to try again so they ended up having to stop each time and simply get back to work on planning the trip, Jasmine did give them ideas on where to eat since the food at school didn't work with the required diets a pro hero must have, where to visit for fun and ideas of stores to check out, they were glad to have her help them with all of this... But then she surprised them for there transport "You will be flying in my private jet to Paris" she said simply.

The Big 3, there teachers, Hitoshi and the class looked at her in surprise, she has a private jet "Since when do you have one!?" Denki asked in shock "Since I was twelve, I asked for one on my birthday and the next day I got one" she explained simply, they tried to make her cancel the whole jet thing but she wouldn't budge on her choice, she claimed it would help them save money to buy food or items they wanted in Paris... So they gave up on the whole thing, when going to bed, Katsuki would help Jasmine get ready to sleep in there nest, each time she would thank him and he would reply that he would always help her when she needed it, she would blush each time he said his reply before finishing up and then curling up in his arms to sleep.

During the time she slept, Katsuki would focus his mind on quirkless Lila Rossi and cataclysm quirk (with black cat ears and tail) Adrien Agreste, it turns out that Adrien hides them during photoshoots and interviews because he doesn't wish to cause trouble due to how sensitive they were to things, they were his biggest obstacle right now and he needed to be able to control himself when he sees them, this caused him to let out heavy amounts of pheromones into the room before going outside to try and train while imagining what those two might say about Jasmine at some point to make fun of her.

He really hated her guts the most, and he knew that Izuku feels the same, which is why it was no surprise to see Deku outside training himself at the moment, the alpha was angry at himself for not being able to control himself during training today again, they both wanted to get better so that they can stay in control when they arrive in Paris, so they come outside... And train together to try and calm there anger down and then pretend to be in Paris and Lila says something mean about Jasmine or Marinette, it was very hard for the both of them... But they had to get this right before they leave for Paris, it took a month before the two were able to keep themselves under control, Jasmine was so proud of them for working so hard.

With that, they began packing there things, Katsuki made sure that class 1-B and his parents were at the ready to help her when she would need it, she allowed it and thanked him for helping "Take Eri with you... I'm sure she would love to see the sights and meet my family" she explained making him nod to her small request, he went to see there daughter and helped her pack her things for the trip, of course she wouldn't be able to join them in everything... But there were things they could bring her to do, soon the class was ready to get going to Paris, Katsuki looked over to Jasmine but he could tell that everything would be just fine in the end for her making him nuzzle and then scent her a bit... It was the only thing he could do, having her scent on him around her old classmates might help them find out where she is.

They arrive to the airport quickly enough, Jasmine slowly takes them to where he jet is getting ready to leave "Leave your bags here, they will be packed into the jet" she explained making them nod and put down the bags that they won't take with them in the jet, they slowly began to board the jet... Leaving Katsuki and Eri outside with Jasmine, he watched as there pup hugged and scented Jasmine, his mate giggled and purred towards there pup before she headed into the jet... Leaving the two mates alone for a bit "I'll call you once at the hotel alright?" he said making her smile and nod to his words "Let me know if anything happens" he added making her nod "Of course" she replied as they hugged and then he got into the jet and then flew off to Paris once Jasmine was safe inside the airport.

BNH: Angel with red eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن