Omega nest

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Time slowly began to move forward which was slowly bringing Katsuki to Jasmine's heat, they had been placed into a larger room that had everything set up for them for Jasmine's heat and Katsuki's rut, but he still felt like something was missing, he wasn't sure on what it was but one thing was for certain... His inner alpha was trying to help him on doing something for his omega and his pack- wait what? Pack? Since when does he have a pack? He wasn't even sure about what was going on so he decided to turn to another classmate... Izuku might know what was going on with him "Hey Deku, I need to talk to you" he said making his childhood friend look at him for a second and then followed him in the hall of the dorm.

"What is it Kacchan?" he asked with a slight worried look on his face "What do you know about packs?" he asked quickly, Izuku blinked quickly before tilting his head to the left "Can you elaborate?" he asked as Katsuki nodded "My alpha is telling me to do something for my omega and care for my pack... But I don't have a pack" Katsuki explained while still being confused about all of this happening to him right now, Izuku thought about it for a moment before speaking "I think that your inner alpha is claiming the class as the pack, it's his way to know everyone is safe and close" Izuku explained which made Katsuki's eyes widen, it would make sense... But "How do I calm my inner alpha down? It won't stop telling me to find Jas or to help my pack... I don't even have a pack planned out right now!" he claimed as Izuku thought about it for a moment before snapping his fingers.

"How about making a pack nest? Maybe it will calm your inner alpha a bit?" he offered making Katsuki look at him confused "What the fuck is a pack nest?" he asked making Izuku chuckle "A pack nest is made from the packs scented clothes and blankets. It's made for the omega's in the pack specifically so they feel loved and safe... Your inner alpha might feel better from you making one because it will relax Jasmine and be for your futur pack" Izuku explained making Katsuki slowly nod and then walk away to his room to get his phone to text the class... But Izuku beated him to it by explained to them Katsuki's inner alpha problem and requested there help so Katsuki could make a pack nest, when he got to his room to get his phone... He smiled at the class helping him and saying they brought things for him to use in the living room.

He was walking out of the dorm room to get to the elevator when Jasmine walked over with another box, he looked at it confused but she simply smiled at her "It's from Chloe, she's sending my things over little by little to keep me happy... With the promise of trying to send other things to make me feel like everyone is here" she explained making him smile, he says he would be downstairs making her nod as she claims to be in there room to unpack what was in the box she got this time, she walked away as he got into the elevator and walked into finding the class picking out a spot to have the pack nest, he smiled as he looked over what they brought over making his inner alpha purr at the idea of crafting a pack nest for his omega and pack... Even though he hasn't form a pack yet.

He began to look things over... But realized that his inner alpha was being picky on the scents "You alright Kacchan?" he turned to find Izuku looking at him "Fucking inner alpha being difficult on the scents of stuff" he growled making Izuku nod in understanding "Maybe you should figure out who you would want in your pack first? It might help with calming your inner alpha a bit" he responded as an answer making Katsuki sigh but nod at the idea, he thought about who he got close to so far "I guess... Shitty hair and Pikachu would be part of the pack, then there's Pinky and Soy sauce face... Maybe even Earplugs too" he mumbled making Izuku nod as he grabbed there things for him "Anyone else?" he asked making Katsuki think some more.

He didn't have anyone else right now... He did know that Jasmine would like a few of the others to join "She likes Animal lover and Twinkle bomb so maybe I could accept them in my pack if they agree" he said making Izuku nod and grab there things and then handing everything to Katsuki "I'll let everyone know about this and i'll see what we can do" he then explained before walking away leaving the blonde alone as he then began making the pack nest with what he had from the people he would accept in his pack, Izuku came back some time later with a smile "Koji and Yuga accepted to be in your pack so they with the other's are going to there rooms to grab more of there scented things... The other's understand that for now you might not be ready to have them in the pack so they plan to wait until you ask them" he explained making Katsuki nod as Izuku then grabbed everything to hand them back to the class... Including his own.

BNH: Angel with red eyesWhere stories live. Discover now