Playing... why?

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Eri's eyes landed on Jasmine and it wasn't long before the little girl was at her side with a hairbrush begging to brush her tails, she nodded and Eri quickly got on the couch and began to gently work, Katsuki smiled at the two as Hitoshi and there teacher walked over to join them... But Aizawa looked upset over something, but he decided to not say anything about it for now and instead focused on Jasmine and the way she was smiling towards Eri which made him think about adopting the little girl... Or maybe it was just his- yep it was his inner alpha wanting to please his mate.

God his inner alpha really wanted to make things work huh? Oh well, he couldn't really fight him now can he? Either way, the gang was simply relaxing and watching Eri brushing one of the many tails Jasmine had while Hitoshi began to speak with her... And sometimes Eri would go towards a box she brought with her filled with hair accessories making him certain that the little girl would target his mates long hair next, which he didn't mind at all since he never saw her with her hair styled since she arrived at UA, he hoped Eri would make her look amazing though since the girl was still pretty small at the moment "Hey Hitoshi? Why don't you train with us today? It would be great so we can be ready for someone with a quirk that can control others" Izuku said making the purple haired boy smile and nod.

"I can do that... Plus it would help me get stronger with my quirk" he replied making them all smile in excitement at the idea of training, this made Jasmine look towards Izuku for answers "Hitoshi has the quirk Brainwashing, he simply needs to say something, you respond and then he controls you" he explained making Hitoshi nod and smile as Jasmine watched him for a moment before she turned towards Eri who was tugging at her hair gently, the little girl looked at her innocently until Jasmine moved her tails so the girl could reach more of her long hair, Eri smiled and then got back to work, Katsuki wondered if this wasn't the first time Jasmine had her hair styled "Did you tie your hair back in Paris?" he asked making her smile "Yeah, when I first moved to Paris... I didn't let anyone close to me, Chloe was able to get close because she always asked if she could brush or tie my hair. Jean took pictures if you want to see" she offered as the butler set down an album.

"These are all the pictures of miss Chloe doing miss Jasmine's hair since her arrival to Paris as a Bourgeois" he said making Katsuki then look into the album to see so many styles, he saw a fish braid, some twin buns, ponytails and so many more styles "Miss Chloe was happy when miss Jasmine began to open up to her, she then tried to have her mother and father join and the same results were made" Jean explained as Katsuki turned to the next page to see Audrey styling Jasmine's hair in an up do while Andre was having a hard time with a simple braid, he laughed at the sight of the mayor of Paris struggling with a braid "We joke about it often... Just sarcastically saying how hard something is and then bring up the braid... He often get's upset" Jasmine explained making them smile at that.

He passed the album to someone else to look in while watching Eri having fun with Jasmine's hair, from the look of it she was trying to make Jasmine's hair into twin braids which he could tell Jean was excited to take a picture of it, her hair must have never been styled in this way before now, even so Katsuki this to be amazing as Eri finished giving Jean the chance to take a picture of them for the album "Eri, you should style Jasmine's hair more often" he offered making Jasmine smile to her mate's idea, the little pup then began to clean while the class spoke to Hitoshi and the big 3 together about possible training plans... While Aizawa still looked worried about something.

Katsuki needed to figure out what was going on to make there teacher act like that, a while later there was a knock on the door, the class turned to find principal Nezu walking in "Hello everyone! How are you all today?" he asked with a smile as they all answered his greeting and question, Katsuki still felt like something wasn't right at the moment and really wanted answers right now... But the look Deku was giving him told him to wait for now before asking anything "Very good, very good, what about you Jasmine? How are you doing at the moment? How are you adjusting with the dorms and your classes?" Nezu asked making Jasmine smile as she answers his questions.

This was getting on his nerves right now... He couldn't understand why Aizawa and Nezu were here right now and he needed answers right now "Alright then... Let's not beat around the bush any longer Nezu... She has a right to know" Aizawa said making the whole gang confused at his words "What do you mean by that mom? And who are you talking about?" Hitoshi asked making Ochako nod to his words, the class was trying to figure out what was to be said as Katsuki looked at Deku who seemed a bit nervous "Do you know something?" he asked as Izuku shakes his head "I'm just as lost as you, I know though who there talking about at least... Just not what is this about" he explained making Katsuki nod in understanding.

"It's me... You have something to tell me... Don't you?" Jasmine asked as everyone looked at her while she stared Aizawa and Nezu down at the moment, the teacher and principal didn't faze from her words as Aizawa sighed "That's right Jasmine" he said making her watch him for now "You see, after you told us what happened to you, we all wanted to keep you safe by keeping an eye out towards any student you might encounter and make sure they don't bring back bad memories to your mind" he explained making her nod in understanding "Which is why were also keeping an eye on what is going on in Paris... And it would seem people are talking about you on the news as we speak" Nezu explained making the girl look at him confused.

"What do you mean? My parents wouldn't air me on TV for no good reason" she explained making Nezu nod "We know, I spoke to your parents and there trying to take it all down without saying anything about you being here... But the Agreste son is stubborn on claiming you are missing at the moment and you need to be found" he said as chaos began in the dorm, water started to run all of a sudden, the power went out and the windows shattered all of a sudden... And then it stopped, everyone saw that Aizawa had activated his quirk to stop Jasmine "I knew this was going to happen Nezu. I told you that we shouldn't have told her! That she would loose control of her quirk and you still wanted to tell her!" he claimed in anger after shutting off his quirk while Katsuki went to hold his mate in his arms.

Jasmine was shaking like a leaf, she was also pale as a ghost with a heavy breathing, he decided that enough was enough and then carried her to the elevator and went straight to her room and placed her in her nest, once she was set in her nest Katsuki began to move towards the door until his shirt was yanked on "Don't go... Hold me" she whispered as he slowly walked over "Are you sure?" he asked making her nod as he then nodded and went into her nest to hold her close to his chest, Jean slowly walked in with some warm drinks but Katsuki was confused at the three mugs until Eri walked in as the butler walked out... This made more sense now "Can Eri join us in your nest?" he asked making Jasmine look over and nodded slowly.

The little girl smiled and slowly crawled into the bed and got between them, Jasmine didn't say anything at first and simply laid there but Katsuki was certain that she would get back up soon enough, he then sat up and grabbed Eri and Jasmine's drinks before taking his own in hand, the two girls looked to be enjoying there drinks but Jasmine also looked to have relaxed from what happened earlier, he smiled at this and decided that for now he would just wait and allow her time to relax, Eri finished first and then drifted to sleep in the nest leaving the mate pairs alone to talk "Adrien isn't going to stop until i'm found... And this time will keep me close to him at all times" she said making Katsuki nod.

"He's that alpha who wanted to make you his right?" he asked making her nod "Since the day he saw me... It was about a month after I was adopted, he wanted to play with Chloe so he came over, I had gone to her room to ask her if she still wanted to play with my hair which made her ask Adrien to leave... But he asked to stay to know me better and it started his desire to have me as his mate... Chloe still regrets not forcing him to leave at the time because she had ignored his tone of voice when he asked to stay" she then explained while looking down "I don't blame her for it... We were kids at the time and we didn't know anything about second genders or true mates" she then added making Katsuki put down there mugs and had her lay back in the nest.

"We won't let him have you again, your my mate and we agreed I could claim you during your next heat... And will be on your side if we ever meet that liar" he said making Jasmine smile and nod in agreement, she really was excited for when her heat arrives... It wouldn't be long before Adrien is unable to reach her and force her to be his mate, Katsuki was also excited... He just had to work on a few plans before her heat happens and then everything will be set, he also needed to know about her preheats and what he needs to prepare for it but for now... He could use some relaxation with his mate right now... Even if it is with Eri between them at the moment.

BNH: Angel with red eyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ