Finding happiness

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"I take it you're staying on the island," Lin said as she put away the dry plates. 

"This time around, I decided to stay in a hotel," Kya said in a slightly bright mood.

Turning around a leading against the sink, "Why is that?" She asked, looking to Kya, who's near the kitchen's island.

"Tenzin is just super annoying and bugging me over everything," Kya replied rolls her eyes at the thought of her overbearing brother.

"Speaking of Tenzin, he was here in the morning asking me to breakfast," Lin told Kya as she moved from the sink walking over to the living room across the kitchen. 

"No way really,?" Kya said in surprise as she followed Lin over to the living room sitting next to her on the couch.  

"It was nice of him; I'll admit," looking at Kya beside her, Lin scooted a bit closer, resting her head on Kya's shoulder, "Don't tell him I said that." Lin pleased, knowing if he knew she would never be able to live it down. 

Beaming at Lin's small gesture, Kya grabbed Lin's hand and held it in her own; Kya smiled when Lin intertwined their fingers together.

"Don't worry; I won't tell him," Kya promised.

A comfortable silence began to envelop them at that moment; they were content holding hands as Lin continued to rest her head on Kya's shoulder. 

Breaking the silence, Lin spoke up, "You should stay here," 

"Huh." Kya felt a sense of shock run through her; she hadn't been expecting this. "I don't know; you sure you aren't going soft first you compliment Tenzin's kindness, then you invite me to say." Laughing, "I think the chief of police is becoming a big softy." 

Tilting her head up a bit on Kya's shoulder, Lin glared right at her, "I'm not going soft; I just like you, so shut up." Lin said. 

Hearing that made something snap in Kya. She still had a chance with Lin quickly letting go of their joined hands, causing Lin to tilt her head up; taking the opportunity, Kya cupped her face and kissed her. 

[Sexual content bellow warning]

They were still in their clothing from last night, but that didn't seem to matter as Kya deepened the kiss. Lin kissed back, fully as she laid down on the couch, Kya on top of her. She had missed this

breaking off the kiss, Kya began moving down Lin's neck, kissing and sucking on the exposed skin. Moving her hands to Lin's waist beginning, to pulling up the fabric of the shirt. Managing to get it off Lin and quickly undoing her, bra she could feel Lin shiver underneath her. Moving her head down, she took into her mouth, one of Lins nipples sucking on it softly as her hands went down and began pushing down her pants. Feeling Kya's hands, Lin lifted her waist to help Kya. Pushing her pants and underwear away, Kya let go of Lin's nipple with a soft pop as she moved over and kissed her once again. Her hand traveled down between her lover's thigh's beginning to rubber her clit. She could feel Lin tense up, breaking the kiss; Kya moved her head down, replacing her finger she began to lick and suck gently on Lin's clit. Feeling Lin getting closer and closer and how wet she was, Kya pushed one finger inside her moving it at a steady pace, soon adding another. Moving her hand down, Lin threaded her fingers into Kya's hair, knowing she was close. It felt good to be with her again; Lin hadn't been with anyone since Kya left. Feeling her orgasm coming, Lin tilted her head back as Kya increased her fingers pace as Lin tightened around them, enjoying how she could still make Lin unravel beneath her. Soon after removing her fingers from Lin, she was turned' around, now laying on the couch as Lin worked her dress up, successfully removing it along with her bra. Wasting no time, Lin kissed kya before pushing two fingers inside her knowing she was ready as her thumb gently rubbed her clit. Letting her left hand play with Kya's soft breast, pinching her nipple lightly between her fingers as she when down and locked lips with Kya. Her thumb began to move a bit faster as she felt Kya getting closer while her lips sucked on Kya's neck. Feeling Kya tense up and let out a throaty moan as she orgasmed, Lin smiled into her neck.


Laying next to each other on the couch, Lin had her arms wrapped around Kya. They were both facing each other Lin leaned down a bit and kissed Kya as she tightens her arms around her.  

Breaking the kiss, "Stay with me." Lin whispered 

Looking at Lin, Kya smiled, "Of course, I'll stay." moving her hand up and rubbing Lin's cheek gently, "I love you too much as my girlfriend to leave."

Letting out a breath of relief, Lin grabbed the blanket on top of the couch and wrapped it around them as she smiled at Kya, "I love you too." 

[What do you think? I hope you enjoyed it] 

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