Why did you leave?

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Walking down the semi-lit sidewalk as her shoes gave a soft tap against the concrete, her dress clinging to her legs as her hair flowed down past her shoulders. She hadn't been expecting the call from Izumi, especially after all these months away from the city. She had only meant to stay; for a couple of weeks then leave to avoid seeing Lin. Taking a deep breath, she could see the bar getting closer; tilling her head up, she could see the neon illuminated sign. Letting out a sigh, she couldn't believe she had chosen this city to live out a temporary life in the past. Moving a piece of hair behind her shoulder, she pushed the door open the strong scent of alcohol hit her face first. The room glowed with a brown-yellow light looking around the bar, it was overfilled, with people enjoying their conversations. Before she could finish her thoughts, a hand from the right corner appeared and began to wave, taking that as a sign of Izumi calling her over. Walking; over towards that direction, she noticed Suyin passed out with her head on the table. While Izumi had a brode smile, clearly in a happy mood. Looking over; her heart sank as she saw Lin; she was half asleep, struggling to keep her eyes open. Stopping at the front of the table and crossing her arms, "What the hell Izumi, did all of you have to get drunk tonight?" Kya asked, staring straight at Izumi.

At the sound of Kya's voice, Lin's eyes snapped open; Izumi had said she was inviting a friend. She didn't think it would be her. Pushing the drink away, suddenly all the tiredness had left her; she was wide awake.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I need your help; I'm taking Suyin home; can you please help Lin get home," Izumi asked, poking Suyin in the shoulder, effectively waking her up. Turning back to Kya, "We have to get up early tomorrow morning; we would take Lin home but were staying across the city." Izumi finished as she began to gather her things.

"I'll make she manages to get home," Kya replied, watching as Izumi helped Suyin up, letting her lean into her side.

"Thank you so much; you're a lifesaver; I'll call you later, okay," Izumi said as she helped Suyin stand, "I'll see you tomorrow Lin." Izumi finishes as she walked out of the bar with a half-asleep Suyin pressed to her side.

Lin remains quiet, her arms cross and her gaze looking down intensely at the wooden table, refusing to look up. Kya knew that this probably wasn't the best idea to come here, knowing they hadn't talked since she left. Before she could break the silence, Lin got up from the table, taking her purse, as she brushed past Kya and headed towards the doors.

As Kya walked to the door, she remembered everything that happened between her and Lin. The nasty fight they had and how neither of them was willing to talk about it. Resulting; in both of them ignoring the subject leading to them becoming more and more distant. Until eventually, she just left, leaving Lin behind. Breaking from her thoughts and pushing the bar door open, the chilly air wrapped around her skin, she could see Lin walking up the sidewalk in the direction of her apartment.

Noticing Lin stopping halfway, Kya took the opportunity to catch up to her as she extended her hand, pulling on Lin's arm to stop her from counting to walk.

"Don't touch me!" Lin spat out as she ripped her arm away from Kya's grasp. Turning around to look right at her, "You left; 6 months ago. Hell, I didn't even know you were here until I saw you now." Lin finished, her gaze falling onto the floor.

"Let me take you home; then we can talk about all of this," Kya responded.
Lin nodded in response, and the two began walking to the apartment. As silence, surrounded them both lost in their thoughts of the past.

Opening the apartment door, Lin walked in, placing her purse onto the table near the door. As Kya closed the door, making sure to lock it, turning over to the apartment. Everything was still the same as the last time she was there. A couch was against the living room wall, in front of it a tv on a small bookshelf overfilled with books of different genres. The kitchen was to the right, filled with white cabinets and the simple essentials.
They were both separated by a small hallway that leads to the only bedroom; her apartment had always been small but cozy. She hadn't realized how much she had missed this place until she was standing at the door again.
"I'm tired," Lin said, holding out her hand for Kya to take.
Grabbing her hand, she let Lin guide her towards the bedroom.
Once they entered, she watched as Lin took off her wedges and threw them onto the floor, falling on the bed on her side, snuggling into the blankets.
"Are you joining me or not?" asked Lin as she patted the side next to her.
Taking off her shoes and, letting them fall next to Lin's wedges as she crawled onto the bed, letting herself lay beside her past love.

"It was nice you know us; it felt right," Lin whispered, laying on her side as her eyes looking out the window.

"You're right, it was nice, being with you for those months it showed me that maybe I could have the chance to settle down and be happy with someone," she responded, moving a piece of hair that had fallen behind Lin's ear, unlike her long hair. Lin's only reached her shoulders.

They laid on their sides, facing each other as an airy silence began to fill the room. "Can I tell you a secret?" Kya asked; taking Lin's nod as a yes, she continued, "I'm the devil." she said.
Managing to elect a laugh from Lin as she moved onto her back,
"I forgot about your lame jokes," Lin responded, her gaze now transfixed onto the ceiling.
Mimicking Lin, Kya moved onto her back as well, extending her arm until her hand touched Lin's. She felt Lin move her hand over; taking that opportunity, Kya interlaced her hand with Lin's.
"Why did you leave you?" Lin asked, cutting Kya off before she could respond, "You didn't say goodbye or even leave a note. Did you get bored of me? Did you stop loving me?" Lin continued asking as tears started forming in her eyes.

Gripping her hand in a comforting gesture, "No, I didn't fall out of love with you or grow bored; everything just became too hectic. I started to notice the crack with us," Kya said as she moved closer to Lin. "I rarely saw you, and when I did, I was always focused on something else."Kya moved her free hand to wipe away a stray tear on Lin's face. "We just got the timing wrong." Kya finished.
Noticing Lin's eyes becoming droopy, a sense of guilt filled her; of course, she would be tired. It was incredibly late; the clock on her nightstand read 3:30 am.

"It's late; I should go," Kya said, without leaving the bed. As she moved over closer to Lin, wrapping her arm around her waist.

"You can stay," Lin said, knowing Kya was waiting for the invitation to stay in her bed.

[I hope you enjoyed it.]

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