Coming to terms

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Sitting at her desk doing busy work, recently things seemed to be peaceful around republic city. Yet the peace was disrupted when a knock came from the other side of the door. "Come in," Lin said as she continued on her paperwork.

Opening and closing the door calmly, Tenzin looked over, noticing Lin still consumed with her paperwork, "Lin." he said, trying to get her attention.

"Took you long enough to get here baldy;" setting down and leaning back against the chair, she let her gaze drift towards Tenzin.

"I want to come and apologize to you over the events of last night." Not allowing his gaze to break from Lin, "I'm sorry I let my feeling get the best of me, and it affected Kya." Tenzin finished guilty present through his eyes.

"Tenzin." Lin let out a defeated sigh, "You're married what we had ended the night you chooses Pema over." Lin told him as she stood from her desk

"I know, and it was wrong of me; I love my wife and my children Lin." crossing his arms, "I wasn't over what happened in the past and how everything ended; the guilty was still there," Tenzin confessed.

"Well, I'm glad you acknowledge," Standing now in front of her desk, Lin leaned against it, arms crossed over her armor, "I know how you feel we never go closure, but we both have moved on, and that's what important."

"Yes, that's is." Moving Lin in front of Lin, Tenzin stuck out his arm, "Let's start over and be friends."

Shaking his hand, "Friends," Lin repeated with a slight nod.

Looking at the clock on Lin's office wall, "I have to go, tell Kya I said hello." with a final nod, he left.

Going back to her desk Lin continued to work away the day. Knowing; that now things were resolved. Yet, that peace was, rebroken when a knock came on the door.

"Come in," Lin said, setting her pen down.

"Um, chief." Mako opened the door with a worried expression on his face, "Kya and Bumi were arrested ."

Letting out a deflated sigh, Lin stood from her desk, ready to see both of the jailbirds.

I'm sorry for the late update life just got in the way from applying to scholarships to other issues.

Trying once again. [Kyalin fanfiction]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant