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Wrapping the hair tie around her fingers, "Lin hurry, it's almost three we need to get going," Kya said. From their bedroom as she stood next to the vanity pulling her hair up into her usual hairstyle.

"I'm going!" yelled Lin crossing the bathroom into the bedroom; she was wearing loose pants with a simple white shirt, her hair was down to her shoulders.

"Finally, you finished," commented Kya. She was wearing a simple light yellow dress; due to it being summer in Republic city, the heat would be high.

"I know, now we can go," responded Lin, walking over to Kya; she kissed her forehead, "You look good."

Smiling, Kya grabbed Lin's hand and pulled her out of the bedroom to the front door. Taking a last look around the apartment to make sure everything was in place, they left. Walking through the streets of republic city, it hit Kya that she had forgotten something.

"Do we have any apples at home?" asked Kya; it had slipped her mind if they had any back at the apartment.

Walking alongside her, "No, you ate them all." replied Lin in a teasing manner.

"Well, of course, it's not like you ever eat them." she teased back.

Rolling her eyes sarcastically, "Yes, I do; you're just never around when I do eat one." Lin smiled softly, nudging her.

Looking over at her girlfriend with an accusing stare. "Are you lying to me, Lin beifong?' Kya asked

"Now why would I lie to you?" putting on an innocent look, she looked over to her girlfriend.

Finally arriving at the market, they split up; while Kya went around looking for flowers and other decors for the apartment. Lin used the time to get essential groceries, and of course, apples, as Kya had reminded her.

Unfortunately, the peaceful afternoon was soon interrupted when a group of Metalbending Police approached Lin as she was, walking around with groceries.

Kya wasn't too far when she saw the scene occur; she let out an uneven breath, knowing what was about to happen.

"Okay, I'll be there soon," Lin said with disappointment apparent in her voice. After they left, she went looking for Kya; finding her, she could note the look of disappointment on her face.

Handing over the groceries to her, "I have to go, as you already know," giving her a quick peck on the lips, she left before Kya could respond.

After the initial disappointment wore off, Kya finished getting groceries and some flowers she had her eyes on; Walking back home. She managed to enter the apartment and place all the items bought on the kitchen dining table.

Deciding to clear her mind, she began to put everything away and cleaning out the kitchen.

Rinsing off the last dish, she placed it on the drying rack; turning around, she grabbed a dish towel and dried her hands off. Lin had gone to work, and she was now home alone. Setting the towel down on the counter, she began to pull her loose hair up; as she walked across the kitchen into the living room.

Picking up the book she had finished reading off the table and putting it back on the bookshelf, Kya's mind went through everything that had happened in the past year. From her leaving to coming back and seeing Lin again in the bar to now being back with her.

Having her train of thought disrupted by a phone ringing from the bedroom, she walked through the hallway into the room; going over to the nightstand, she picked up the phone as the cord hung down.


"Kya, we need to talk."

Felling her stomach drop, "How did you get this number?"

"It's not important; I need to see you."


[I hope you enjoyed it!]

I'm genuinely sorry for taking so long to update in the past month; I left my hometown and moved a couple of states away for college.

Trying once again. [Kyalin fanfiction]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu