Acknowledging mistakes

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Fluttering her eyes open as the light-filled the room over, she could see Kya still fast asleep. Looking at the clock on the nightstand, it read 9:00 am. Knowing it was still Sunday, she decided to go back to sleep until she heard a knock at the door.
Managing to get out of bed without waking up Kya, as she softly closed the door and walked across the hallway in the direction of the door. She already knew who was there,

"Tenzin isn't it a bit too early for you to be standing at my doorway," Lin commented, having already opened the door.

Shaking off the surprised look on his features, "Well, I know you've been feeling bad lately, so I came to ask you to breakfast." Tenzin replied, smiling down at Lin.

Wincing inwardly, "I already have plans." Lin stated as she tried closing the door.

Yet, before she could, Tenzin blocked the door to stop it. 

"With who?" he couldn't help but ask in shock.

"With your sister." Taking his moment of shock as an opportunity, Lin closed the door and locked it smiling in satisfaction. As she began walking back to the bedroom, opening the door quietly, looking up, she noticed Kya still asleep. Climbing back into bed' the clock now read 9:32; she had time to sleep once again.
Turning in her sleep, Lin felt an odd sense of coldness beside her; opening her eyes, she could see Kya's side empty. Feeling a strong sense of panic rise in her chest, she shot a glance at the clock on her nightstand that read 10:55 am. Stumbling out of bed and quickly opening her bedroom, Lin walked through the small hallway into the kitchen. Stopping, she noticed Kya cooking breakfast, allowing a smile to grace her lips. She walked over to and wrapped her arms around her from behind.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Kya spoke as she continued to cook the eggs she had begun preparing not too long ago.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could've helped you cook, you know." Lin remarked as she pulled away from her.

"You seemed peaceful, and-" Before counting, Kya opened the cupboard and pulled out two places, "I didn't want to bother you since you work most of the time; you deserve to sleep in on your days off." Kya finished as she filled the plates with eggs and two pieces of bacon.

Sitting down in one of the chairs at her kitchen table, she could help but wince a bit at Kya's words. She knew that the main reason Kya has left was over the fact that they didn't get to spend much time due to her job. Shrugging it off, "How long are you going to stay in republic city?"

Kya placed down a plate of food along with a cup of tea in front of Lin and one for herself as she pulled a chair out and sat down. " I was planning on leaving soon originally, but I think I'll stay a bit longer," Kya answered her question as she took a couple of bites out of her food.

Swallowing her food, "Why did you come here anyway?" Lin asked, not beating around the bush. "I mean, you left for six months ago abruptly."

Sighing, Kya looked up, "Really Lin; we're doing this now,"

"I was half asleep last night, so we didn't get to the bottom of everything. I mean, I know why you left, but I don't know why you didn't say goodbye or simply; break up with me before running away." Lin stated, giving Kya a pointed look.

Looking down at her plate, it took her a moment to respond, "I was, being impulsive; I thought-" Taking in a shaky breath, "I thought I was being a burden and holding you back from your work at the time I thought it was the best choices to leave, but it wasn't."

"You're right, you know," crossing her arms, "We both made mistakes during our relationship; we didn't communicate properly, and that's what caused the relationship to fall apart. We're both to blame." Lin concluded.

Looking up, Kya allowed a tiny smile to form on her lips, knowing she wasn't the only one at fault. "I'm sorry for leaving abruptly  without letting you know,"

Lin looked at her and allowing herself to soften a bit, " I'm sorry for not separating my time with you and work."

Smiling now fully at Lin, Kya and her finished eating in comfortable silence. Afterward, they picked up the dishes; while Kya washed the plates and cups, Lin whipped the kitchen table.
[I hoped you enjoyed it! What do you think will happen next?]

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