Tenzin's confession

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After loading Kya's luggage onto the automobile, Lin sat in the driver's seat as she waited for Kya to return the room keys at the receptionist desk. As she waited, her thoughts drifted, Bumi must already know about them since he called Kya, inviting both of them. Hearing the door beside her open, she straightened up.

"Let's go home, darling," Kya said, poking fun at Lin as she got into the car.

Ignoring her, Lin smiled as she started the car and drove out of the parking lot. 

Earlier that day 

"I don't know what to do with it." Tenzin sighed, looking down at his lap. 

"With what?" Bumi asked, genuinely confused they had been trying to meditate just a second ago. 

"With all the love I have for her, I don't know where to put it now," Tenzin confessed. 

Worry began to set in as he realized who Tenzin was referring to, shaking his head, "Tenzin, you can't do this; you and Lin ended years ago, you can't just run back because you never got closure." Standing up, Bumi dusted himself off, "You moved on a long time ago, and she finally moved on with none other than Kya." 

"No, there's still time her any Kya ended thing maybe-"

Moving over and grabbing his brother's shoulders, Bumi began to shake him furiously, "You can't do this Tenzin, you're the reasonable one, and we both know they are back together. You told me yourself that Lin slammed the door on your face to go be with our sister." Letting go of Tenzin and rubbing his face, "On top of that, you have a family, I get it she was your first love, you two ended on messy terms, but Tenzin. You broke it off with her; you can't just go back now that your race isn't in danger." Bumi finished as he walked out off

Taking in a harsh breath, he took in his brother's words deeply, knowing they were accurate. What he and Lin once had ended a long time ago. It wasn't fair for him to get between her and Kya. Not when he ended his relationship with Lin over his duties as the Last Airbender at the time. 

Getting back into position and clearing his mind, Tenzin began to meditate once again. 

Grabbing the phone, he and Kya had met up earlier that week; he knew where she was staying, dialing the hotel, and hoping his sister would pick up.

"Kya! is Lin with you?"


"I wanted to invite you two to come to eat dinner on the island. Also, there are some things I need to talk with you about." 

"Okay, I'll let her know," 

Hearing the line gets cut off, Bumi hanged up the phone. 

Back to the present time

Sitting on the couch and flipping through a book, they had made it back to the apartment a while ago. Kya was in the bedroom, putting away clothing and getting ready to go out with Lin to the island. Moving a piece of her hair away behind her ear, Lin continued to; peacefully read her book.  

Finally finishing putting away her clothes, she began moving over some items in the closet to place her suitcase in only to see a box. Managing to pull it out, she sat on her legs, pulling the box closer and opening it. There laid articles of her clothing that she had left behind, with several photos of her and Lin. 

Taking the pictures out of the box, placing them on the dresser, and putting the clothing she had just discovered in the closet. Kya had changed; from her long blue dress. Into a soft baby blue knee-length summer dress soon after shoving her suitcase into the closet.

Moving over to the dresser and looking through the photos.

"What are you doing?" Came to a voice from behind, effectively startling her. Lin moved closer behind Kya and resting her chin on her shoulder as she took into account the photos on the dresser.

Taking a deep breath, Kya relaxed, "I found these photos in a box along with some of my old clothes." Kya replied 

Wrapping her arms around her and pulling her closer, she moved her head; so her forehead was resting on Kya's shoulder, "I forgot about those." Turning her head and Kissing Kya's neck softly, Lin pulled away. "It's getting late; we should go and catch the ferry before it departs." 

[I hope you enjoyed]

Trying once again. [Kyalin fanfiction]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt