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Kya stretched her arms out as she woke up. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep while Lin was holding her. Looking around the room, she couldn't spot Lin anywhere sitting up on the couch; she began rubbing her eyes. Finally, becoming aware of her surroundings, noting that she has been sleeping on the small couch that adorned Lin's office. Soon the memories came back of her and Bumi having a bit too much to drink and ending up causing property damage to a fruit stan leading to their arrest.
She also remembered Lin not being too happy seeing her in a cell once again after what she had done the last time. Rubbing her head, she could feel a headache being to form, letting out a groan; she let herself fall back onto the couch. Knowing; that soon Lin would be back to lecture her and that she would have no way to get out of it. As if right on cue, Lin walked in holding some files in her right arm.

"Good morning beautiful;" Kya teased, giving her a crooked grin.

Rolling her eyes, "I see someone is finally awake." remarked Lin, as she walked to her desk, setting down the papers.

Noticing the glass of water; on the table, she grabbed it and judged it down before Lin could turn back around. Pushing the blanket off, "So where's Bumi?"

"I bailed him and you out," shifting the papers into a folder, "He's going back to the island," Turning around and looking at Kya, "Tenzin came and picked him up," crossing her arms, she gave her a sharp look.

"Oh, was he lurking around here again?" asked Kya.

"No, I had to call him, Bumi was too drunk to go home alone, and I didn't want to risk any more damage to the city," Lin replied in a tense tone.

"It was a mistake," responded Kya quickly, "We didn't mean to get drunk or damage public property."

"Maybe it wasn't your intent but, you need to be responsible for your actions and how they affect others." Lin threw back as she pointedly stared at Kya

"I am responsible; it was an accident," Kya replied with a hurt look.

"Was it an accident?" Lin said as she let her arms fall to her waist. "You went outside knowing you were intoxicated; what did you think would happen?"

"Anything other than this, do you think I purposefully went outside to destroy a fruit stand?"

"Alright," Turning around, Lin went completely; silent as she went back to fixing the papers she had brought in.

"No, you don't get to do that," said Kya as she stood up from her position on the couch. "Don't just go silent to avoid talking about this."

"I was worried I thought you would be at home, not around the city destroying property!" yelled Lin as she turned back to Kya.

Taking a step back, "I'm sorry, I did not mean to worry you or cause any damage to the city property," replied Kya, a deflated look crossing her face.

Noticing the look, Lin let out a low breath she had been holding in, "I'm sorry I overreacted; I should've let you explain yourself."

Nodding in her direction, Kya turned around, "Mhm, I'm going home i'll see you there." she said while pushing her hair aside. "If you even come home tonight." she finished in a passive-aggressive tone.

before Lin could respond, the door to her office closed with an audible slam. "Great," Lin mumbled under her breath.

{I hope you enjoyed it, sorry for the long wait.}

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