Harry- How would you feel?

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aaa the last time i was this active was when this book was first published LOLLL

NOTE-- i'm serving yall some fluff because we all need it right now don't we TT this is also set in a muggle setting! i hope yall don't mind hehe

SONG-- Get Used To It; Ricky Montgomery


SIPPING ON HER HOT CHOCOLATE, she watches as snow falls from the sky. Nights like these were the kinds she enjoyed the most. Wrapped up in her cozy blanket, her hair tied up into a messy bun. The television being her only source of light as her favorite sitcom played softly in the background.

"Love?" His voice brought her back to reality, turning to watch him hang up his coat. His glasses were fogged up slightly from the cold, his nose a bright pink. Giggling softly, she stood up, taking her blanket with her and placing her drink down. She wrapped her arms around him as he grinned into her neck.

"You're awake." He hummed as they pulled away after a second. She nods as she points shyly to the TV. Chuckling, he pecks her lips as he tells her that he's going to take a quick shower.

"Be quick!" The bubbly girl grins as he nods at her, before disappearing up the staircase. She settles back down onto the soft couch they had. She could feel the butterflies flying around in her stomach, melting into the couch. She couldn't believe how this man could make her feel even after all these years.


"Are you sleepy?" Her voice caresses his ear as he hummed, looking up to meet her eyes. She giggles at the brightness in them, knowing that he's wide awake. The boy cups her cheek before placing a gentle kiss on her lips, smiling against them. "I love you."

The soft whisper makes the girl smile as she returns his sweet remark. Switching the TV off, she goes to connect her phone to a small speaker they had resting on the piece of furniture in front of them. A familiar beat engulfs the two as she grins at him. She takes his hands, pulling him up and off the couch.

"Seriously?" Harry laughs as she dances with him. He watches, amazed, as she captured his whole attention. She had him wrapped around his finger, and she knew it.

"Yes!" Laughing, she continues to dance and twirl with him. The couple sway and twirl as they both sing along with the song. Love and admiration fill both of their eyes as they grin together.

As the song pulls to a close, a softer one comes next. He pulls her closer to him, swaying their bodies side to side. "Is this okay?"

She smiles fondly. The memory shining bright in her mind, as if it had happened yesterday.

"Is this okay?" The shy boy stutters as he places his hands on her hips.

She couldn't help but laugh at his shy nature, bringing her hands up around his neck.

"It's more than okay, Potter."

Her words mirror her own, just as his had. He smiles brightly as he processes her words. They continue to sway with each other, the soft music being the only thing surrounding them.

"I can't believe you remember." Her soft murmur brings him out of his thoughts as he runs his hand through her hair. "Of course I remember." He whispers back as he smiles fondly at the memory.

"Do you remember our first date?"

The question surprises him as the memory rushes to the front of his mind.

Smiling at the girl in front of him, his eyes catch the light pink blush on her cheeks. They were sipping on milkshakes as they shared anything and everything about each other.

"How do you feel about the girl proposing?" Her question makes his his eyes go wide as she grins at him. The innocence and aspiration in her eyes makes him melt.

"I don't mind. It'd be a thrilling story to tell." Her smile was one he wanted on her forever. It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

"No." His whisper is breathless as she smiles at him, the tears already brimming her eyes. She steps back from his arms as she holds his hands.

"I've been thinking about this for a while now. I knew from the moment I realized I looked forward to the moment you'd come back home, no matter how late, because I know you'd come right into my arms and we'd spend the night talking until we fell asleep." She takes a breath as tears started to roll down his cheeks.

"I remember when we'd go on dates, and even now, four years into our relationship, they'd all still give me butterflies. You're the one person I look forward to seeing everyday." Smiling, she gets on one knee and pulls out a small box from her jumper.

"Believe me when I say I've tried to imagine a life without you. Without your quirks, without your corny jokes that still somehow make me laugh," The two laugh, sniffling along the way.

"I tried so hard... And I couldn't. That life is not a choice for me, and hopefully it's not a choice for you too." Her eyes meet his as she shakily opens the box, revealing a beautiful ring sitting comfortably right in the center.

"So... Will you marry me, my love?" He chokes out a sob as he nods shakily, pulling her up from her knee. His lips immediately crash on her lips as he pulls her closer to him. She grins as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"I can't believe you'd do this to me." He whispers quietly, resting his forehead on hers. She grins as she slips the ring onto his finger. The smile settled on her face had been nothing compared to any of the ones he's ever seen.

"I love you so much."



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