Fred- Love

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hello!! i hope you all are staying safe and wearing your masks :D i wanted to say thank you so much for 680k!! it means alot:((

NOTE— this is an old oneshot so the writing style is kinda outdated shjahsj also!! important note: am currently working on something big so if i disappear for longer than usual this is why hehe

SONG— Purpose; Etham

"Muggles, tend to hoard items such as, notebooks, which binds a bunch of parchment paper together and is effectively easier to carry around."

You subconsciously drowned out the sound of your professor's voice. The more you listened, the more the world urged you to close your eyes and take a small nap.
Being tasked to kill Albus Dumbledore, was definitely not an easy task. Your teeth sunk into your lower lip, as your professor dismissed you. This meant, more planning in secret with Draco Malfoy.

"Have you got any idea yet, Y/l/n?" Draco sighed, his blonde hair astray, purple — almost black circles sat under his eyes as he looked at you tiredly.

"Not yet, I'm afraid." You pursed your lips, letting out a small huff of air. He closed his eyes in frustration, leaning back against the wall.

"We don't have much time, Y/n." He all but whimpered.

"I know... I know. We'll come up with something, Draco. Things like these takes time." You muttered, staring at the piece of paper, your messy handwriting listing down the plans that have failed you both.

"Hey, Y/n!" Fred grinned as he approached you.

"Hey, Freddie." You softly uttered, stifling a yawn.

"Are you alright? Long night?" He grinned as he slung his arm around you.

Nodding, your eyes closing slightly.

"Hey, we're still walking here." Fred chuckles as he ruffles your hair gently.

"You should get rest..." He frowns as he eyes your dark eye bags.

"I know... And I will, soon." You sighed.

"You don't know me!" Draco screamed. You emerged from behind him, placing your hand on his wrist, urging him to lower his wand.

"It's alright, Draco." You softly muttered, keeping your eyes trained on the old man standing in front of you, although, taking note of the boy who lived lurking below you.

"We're sorry, professor." You whispered, staring at him with your tired y/e/c eyes.

"It's alright, Y/n. It's not too late." He spoke, his voice not holding fear. But pure trust. Causing your heart to squeeze in pain.

"But it is." You whispered, lifting your wand and murmuring the killing curse.

You watched as your professor's eyes lost their life and wisdom. He staggered back and as if everything was in slow motion, he fell.

Your lips trembled, fighting back the urge to sob. In your peripheral vision, the green-eyed boy cried out and ran as fast as his legs could take him down.

"Great job, girl." Bellatrix grinned, cackling as the lightning struck, brightening the depressing night sky.

"We have to go." Draco muttered slightly, his silver eyes trained on the frozen girl.

"Yeah." You whispered out.

"It was you?" You heard Fred's soft voice call out to you, causing you to halt.

Your eyes caught his enraged ones, as you turned around, "I'm sorry."

His eyes widened, before raising his wand and casting a spell. A thud sounded behind you. You eyed him, confused. Not wanting to turn back and see the chaos, you took part in.

"Death Eater." He whispered.

A cold hand tugged on your wrist, causing you to stumble back, "We have to go!"

Draco's hurried voice rung in your ears. Your heart racing at the thought of not seeing Fred again. You turned your head, raising your fist to your chest before screaming out,

"I'll see you later, okay?"

In return, he raised his fist and nodded.

"I'll see you later."

"Get some rest, Y/n." Draco's hushed whisper floated around your room as he slowly shut the door. Click.

Your eyes wandered around the room. Dark green walls. Dark green vanity. Dark green velvet curtains. Silver bed linens.

Slytherin, you thought. Wincing at the memory of Hogwarts. Already terribly missing Fred, but knowing you couldn't meddle with what was going on, you stayed put.

"Tell me, mudblood. Where did you get that sword!"

"We didn't steal it, I swear!" The curly haired girl, lay helpless on the ground, screaming for her life to be spared.

"Tsk. Girl! Get me the boys. Let's see if she'll budge then." Bellatrix scowled, her eyes trained on the girl laying on the ground. Your feet froze to the ground, not wanting to move. Getting the boys would mean putting them in danger.

"What're you doing standing there, dipshit? I said get the boys from the cellar!" She glared down at you. Daring you to defy her.


"No?" Her eyes widened.

"No, I will not." You crossed your arms. A cold hand gripped your arm, warning you to stop.

"Bring her to the cellar."

"Y/n... Hey, wake up."

Your eyes fluttered, wincing at the pain coming from your stomach. Bellatrix had stabbed you just as you lost consciousness.

"How're you feeling?" Luna murmured, helping you sit up.

"Just peachy." You replied smiling tiredly.

"We're getting out of here today, alright? Hang in there." Ron smiled sheepishly, eyeing your bandaged stomach (which was really just ripped clothes).

"Fred." Your whisper was breathless, yet he heard you, and turned around, his eyes widening.

"Y/n!" He ran towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you close to him. You didn't care about the pain. All that matters was you were in his arms.

"Oh my Merlin, I thought I lost you." He mumbled into your neck. You winced as his hand brushed your bruised sides.

Pulling back, he stared at you, then down at your bloody shirt, causing his eyes to widen once again.


"I know. Don't mind that now, please. I just— I need to be in your arms for just a little longer." You murmured, wrapping your arms around his waist. His hands went to yours, as he rested his chin on your head.

"God, I love you."

Smiling into his chest, you looked up, eyes twinkling, before replying, "I love you too."

i can't be bothered to fix it right now, i just wanted to get this out and done with! (im not sure if i've had this up already but alrighty)




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