Draco- Change

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A/N: this has a bunch of triggers in it... so yeah just a lil warning :)


It was the end of school once again. You sat on one of the benches watching the happy families reuniting. You sighed silently as you watched. You couldn't help but feel the hint of jealousy. Your parents, well, they never really truly showed they cared. Example, people around you would recieve letters from their parents, while you, you would not hear from them. Not even once.

Your eyes finally landed on the one and only, Draco Malfoy. He smirked as he approached you.

"Mummy and Daddy not here yet? I thought they liked giving you those bruises?" He smiled evilly as he roughly pulled up your sleeve to reveal a bunch of bruises within the shade black to purple. You blushed in embarrassment and quickly pulled your sleeve down. You hated the fact that he knew. And he would always shove into your face that he knew.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a figure stumbling towards you. You picked up your bags and went to walk over to your mum, only to have your wrist caught and be held tightly by Draco.

"Have fun, Y/l/n."

And with that, you rushed to your mum.


You were rushing to the train station. It was the first day, and you woke up in so much pain, not feeling up to it to go. Your limp just adding to the time. You luckily got there in time, and you were still able to get a compartment for yourself. Right as you sat down to rest. Draco Malfoy sauntered in.

"Well well. Did mummy and daddy treat you right this year? Oh I forgot. They never do!" He grinned at you as he continued screaming names and insults, you've already heard from the past years. You blankly stared up at him, patiently waiting for him to finish.

His head turned and looked at you.

"Are you done yet?" You questioned, your voice only a whisper.

"Uhm... Yeah. Why aren-"

"I've heard the same thing from everyone, Draco. Every single year I've been called names, been teased, been practically destroyed for over 6 years now. Do you think I'm still affected?" Your dull and lifeless eyes lifted up tiredly and met his grey ones. Sighing silently, you picked up your tattered robes from your bag, and stood up.

"I'm going to change. Feel free to stay and bully me more, because I could honestly care less."

And with that, you limped away.


You found yourself crying as you looked at your bruises in the mirror. Your eyes scanned through them, remembering each and every detail of how you got it. A sob escaped your mouth, as your body started to shake. You held onto the sink for support.

"Why? Why can't I be normal? Why can't my parents love me, like how normal parents should? Why do I have to sport these bruises! I-I-..." you sobbing stopped as you spotted Draco Malfoy standing behind you. You quickly turn around, and back into the sink.

"You wanna know why? Because. You. Don't. Deserve. It." He smirked as he saw the pain etched onto your face. It didn't help that he had been your crush ever since maybe... 2nd year?

"Not so strong now huh?" He smirked and cackled as he left, leaving you alone.


You were limping towards the benches once again as you sat and watched. Your eyes instinctfully darting down as Draco spotted you. Surprisingly, he didn't approach you. But, a hand on your shoulder caused you to freeze.

"Let's go home."

You smelled the alcohol in your father's breath as he roughly pulled you up and dragged you away. Your eyes locked onto Draco's...

And for the first time in years, you saw a hint of pain flash before his eyes.


You were sitting in your compartment waiting for Draco's arrival. You were crying already as you were in unbearable pain. Your compartment door slid open and you instantly recognized his voice.

"Well if it isn't-"

You stood up facing him, tears streaming down your face. He stopped talking as he eyes your red puffy eyes, the black surrounding your right and the cut going from your left eyebrow down to right under your bottom lip.

You took out a knife, and held it by the blade and held it towards him as your hand shook.

"D-d-do i-it." You cried more as your heart clenched painfully. Your free hand took his and shoved the knife into his hand.

"KILL ME DRACO!" You screamed at him, finally losing patience.

"I have lost the will to live. My parents disowned me, and left me to rot om the streets. I don't feel safe anywhere. This world will be better off without me. So please. KILL. ME. NOW! END THE PAIN PLEASE! I-I-I'm b-begging you! P-please D-draco! Kill me please!" You sobbed as he held the knife and you stood there, awaiting your death. You heard a clank, before strong arms wrapped around you.

"Shhh... Y/n... Please-please don't s-say that again." You felt tear drops fall onto your shoulder as he held you.

"I'm so-so sorry for all the things I have done. I love you so much, Y/n. I thought d-doing all the things I did, would take it away. But it didn't. I'm so-so sorry." You hugged him back as you both cried in each other's arms. After you both calmed down, you decided to whisper.

"I love you too, Draco."

His hold on you tightened once more, and you both stayed in each others arms for the rest of the ride.

A/N: Prettyyyy shitty... Anyway. Okay bye 😂

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