Percy- Crush

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A/N- This was requested by dracosredemption0314 please check them out!

You are staying at the Burrow for the summer. Your best friend Percy lives there. You also loved his little brothers, Fred and George. You would sit in between those two at every meal. Enjoying their company. What you didn't realize was the jealous glare Percy was sending towards the twins.

One night, you heard Fred and George walk across your room into the room next to yours. Percy's. You laughed as you listened to the twins joke around Percy even though he hates it, a lot.

Suddenly, your door flung open and in came a very red looking Percy. The door swung shut and locked.

"Hey Perce." You said laughing. Setting down your book and standing to give him a hug.

"Hey Y/n/n. (Your nickname)" He said gladly hugging you back. You pulled away and laughed at his usually pale face that was now tinted red.

"You okay? What did the twins do?" You said laughing once again.

"Nothing... They did nothing." He replied. You raised an eyebrow.

"Then why are you so red?"

If it was possible Percy turned a darker shade of red.

"I need to tell you something." He took your hands in his.

"Perce... What is thi-" You started but he cut you off.

"IreallyreallylikeyouY/n..." He said really fast. You laughed.

"Perce slow down. I can't understand you." You said. He sighed as he tried to form the correct words

"Y/n... I really really like you." He finally said.

"Look I'm sorry if you don't like me back- I shouldn't have said tha-"

You cut him off by kissing him and wrapping your arms around his neck. You pulled away smirking at his red, shocked face.

"You were rambling." You smiled as you held his hands again.

"Perce I like you too. For so long." You smiled up at the boy you've fallen so hard for.

"Will you be my girlfriend Y/n?" He asked smiling.

"Of course, Perce."

And the rest of your summer was spent cuddling, and a lot of teasing from the twins.

A/N- I'm so sorry if this is so short! I promise I'll make longer ones next time!

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